Giving A Little "Push" To "Getting to Know You"
by Thomas A. Droleskey
It's a very ancient saying,
But a true and honest thought,
That if you become a teacher,
By your pupils you'll be taught.
As a teacher I've been learning
(You'll forgive me if I boast)
And I've now become an expert,
On the subject I like most.
Getting to know you.
[Children Giggle]
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.
Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me.
Getting to know you, putting it my way,
But nicely,
You are precisely,
My cup of tea.
[Children Giggle]
All [Except children]:
Getting to know you,
Getting to know all about you.
Getting to like you,
Getting to hope you like me.
Getting to know you, putting it my way,
But nicely,
You are precisely,
My cup of tea.
All (including children):
Getting to know you,
Getting to feel free and easy.
When I am with you,
Getting to know what to say
Haven't you noticed
Suddenly I'm bright and breezy
Because of all the beautiful and new
Things I'm learning about you
Day by day.
Getting to know you,
Getting to feel free and easy.
When I am with you,
Getting to know what to say
Haven't you noticed
Suddenly I'm bright and breezy
Because of all the beautiful and new
Things I'm learning about you
Day by day (Lyrics of "Getting to Know You" From The King and I found at Getting To Know You Lyrics; video of same found at Getting To Know You, The King And I.)
It seems as though someone is giving a little "push" to the process that the conciliar "cardinals" has described must be a deliberate one prior to the official start of the conclave to be the next universal public face of apostasy in order that they can "get to know each other" better. How can this not be a period of campaigning even though such is considered to be an automatic disqualification for consideration as it has been the custom in the past for ambitious cardinals of the true Catholic Church and of the counterfeit church of conciliarism to make some kind of effort, however disingenuous, to conceal their ambitions, leaving their cardinal-friends to do some discreet politicking in their behalves.
As is the case with everything else in the counterfeit church of conciliarism, of course, customs matter not. Why should they? After all, if the binding precepts of the Ten Commandments and the dogmatic pronouncements of Holy Mother Church's twenty general councils can be dismissed because they have become "obsolete in the particulars that they contain," what's the big deal about throwing out a longstanding custom of not campaigning overtly for the papacy?
Thus it was that I was not surprised when my friend, Mr. Mark Stabinski, sent me the following news story that shows a campaign poster reading "Vota Turkson" that is popping up all over Rome:

As Roman Catholic cardinals prepare to choose the next pope, political-style campaigning for the position is forbidden. So there were a few raised eyebrows in Rome on Friday, when mysterious posters appeared around the city, apparently in support of Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana.
"Vote Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson” was written on the posters alongside an image of the cardinal, who some say could succeed Pope Benedict XVI, whose papacy formally ended on Thursday night.
If chosen, Turkson would be the first non-European to lead the Catholic Church in more than 1,000 years.
Even informal campaigning to become pope is considered bad form, and openly putting one's name forward is enough to end any cardinal’s chances.
It was not immediately clear who was responsible for the posters, or even if they are part of a spoof campaign. Insiders say they are unlikely to have been produced with the cardinal’s knowledge.
“You can be absolutely sure that poor Cardinal Turkson, a true innocent, had nothing to do with this,” said NBC Vatican expert George Weigel.
Even though Italians have just been through a month-long political campaign, locals say these new election-style posters are a surprise.
Next week, cardinals will hold informal discussions of church issues, known as "general congregations." At the top of their agenda will be the announcement of a date for the 115 eligible cardinals to enter the conclave – a closed, secret voting session held inside the Sistine Chapel that continues until they agree on a new leader for the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics.
Cardinal Turkson, the head of the Vatican’s justice and peace department, has been tipped in some quarters as Africa’s frontrunner for pope.
Irish bookmakers, Paddy Power, said Turkson had received the highest number of bets of any cardinal, including one wager of $7,600. (Posters backing Ghana's Cardinal Turkson for pope appear in Rome.)
What a dupe George Weigel (see Enjoy the Party, George, Enjoy the Party) is, and I am sure that he is paid good money by the National Broadcasting Company to serve as a "Vatican expert." He is nothing other than an expert apologist and spinmeister for the conciliar "pontiffs."
Peter Turkson did not have to do anything to promote his candidacy in the manner that it is being done in Rome at this time. The heretical organization with which he is associated, the late Chiara Lubich's Focolare, did all the work for him, trying to replicate prior to the "election" of the next universal public face of apostasy what Chiara Lubich herself personally organized and orchestrated on Friday, April 8, 2005, as thousands of her programmed cult followers took to the streets with placards and shouted, "Santo Subito" to demand immediate "canonization" for one of their chief supporters, Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II, during whose "Mass of Christian Burial" this "spontaneous demonstration" took place.
How do I know that this is so?
Peter Turkson supports Focolare. He is one of "theirs."
Consider Turkson's involvement in a Focolare front-group meeting in 2010 that also featured the conciliar "archbishop" of Chicago, Francis George, O.M.I:
The closing address was delivered by Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, with a response by Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago.
Both emphasized the importance of the Church’s social teaching and the
relevance of this newest encyclical in bringing to the public square the
contribution that a spirituality of communion makes in addressing the
tremendous needs of our brothers and sisters worldwide. (World Catholicism Week 2010 and the Economy of Communion.)
Sure, each of the "movements" has its own "horses" to back in upcoming conciliar conclave.
Focolare, however, has had particular patronage from the conciliar "popes" and has created a vast network of "bishops" who support its heretical view of the Church. This "papal" patronage began with Giovanni Montini/Paul VI in 1977:
“As head of the apostolic college, I encourage you, I urge you, I exhort you, to continue on with this endeavor.” ("Bishops" | Focolare Movement.)
Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II, a longtime supporter of Focolare dating back to his days in Poland, had the following letter sent in his name to a conference that featured over ninety "bishop-friends" of Focolare that was behind held in the Czech Republic before he was taken to the hospital in early-2005:
1. With joy I spiritually join you and the Bishops who
are friends of the Focolare Movement, and who are taking part in the
Meeting which is currently being held at the Mariapolis Centre in Castel
Gandolfo on the presence of the Risen Christ, the vital principle of
the Church.
I extend my cordial greeting and good wishes to each of
you. A special thought is directed to Ms Chiara Lubich, renewing to her
the expression of my esteem and recognition of the testimony to the
Gospel that the Movement brings to many parts of the world.
2. That providential initiative, which fits admirably
into the context of the year dedicated to the Eucharist, will surely be
for all a font of renewed apostolic vitality and of missionary boldness
in the face of the many social and religious challenges of our time.
In effect, during these days of study and of prayer it
is your common intention to discern the most appropriate ways for
witnessing to the presence of the Risen Christ, centre of the Church, in
today's society.
Dear and Venerable Brothers, always contemplate with
ardour Jesus' life in the mystery of the Eucharist; following his
example, be ready in every circumstance to be made instruments of mercy
and of communion. The secret to an effective apostolate is the crucified
and Risen Lord, whom we adore in the sacrament of the Eucharist. In
order to be eloquent signs of his love and instruments of his peace
everywhere, as you well know, all are asked in the first place to
cultivate an intimate and constant familiarity with him. From intense
participation at the Eucharistic Sacrifice comes the spiritual energy
necessary to bring to completion every good project.
3. I entrust you, Venerable Brother, and the Prelates
participating in the Symposium to the protection and the intercession of
the Virgin Mary. May she guide you on the path of holiness. To that
end, I assure you that I remember you in my prayers, invoking for you a
copious outpouring of grace and heavenly comfort, while from my heart I
impart to you a special Blessing, which I willingly extend to the
faithful entrusted to the episcopal ministry of each of you and to the
entire Focolare Movement.
From the Vatican, 19 February 2005 (Letter to the Bishops, friends of the Focolare Movement, February 19, 2005.)
Focolare has insinuated itself deep in the tissue mass of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, so much so that none other than Occupy Vatican Movement's Secretary of State, the all-around no-goodnik named Tarcisio Bertone, so much so that he gave the sermon at Chiara Lubich's fake, phony, fraud funeral "Mass" on March 18, 2005:
The First Reading presented for our meditation is the well-known passage
from the Book of Job. This harshly-tried righteous man proclaimed,
indeed, almost shouted: "I know that my Redeemer lives... from my flesh I
shall see God... and my eyes shall behold [him], and not another".
While we offer our final farewell to Chiara Lubich, holy Job's words
remind us of the ardent desire for the encounter with Christ that marked
her entire life. It marked even more intensely her last months and
days, tried by the intensification of an illness that drained her of all
physical energy, in a gradual ascent of Calvary, crowned by a sweet
return to the Father's enfolding arms.
Chiara completed the last
lap of her earthly pilgrimage accompanied by the prayer and affection of
her followers, who encircled her in a great, uninterrupted embrace. Her
last "yes" to the mystical bridegroom of her soul, Jesus
"abandoned-Risen", was feeble but determined. Everything was then
accomplished: her dream at the beginning had become true, her passionate
longing was satisfied. Chiara is meeting the One she loved without
seeing him, and full of joy can exclaim: "Yes, my Redeemer lives!".
news of her death widely echoed in every milieu, caused deep mourning
among thousands of men and women on the five continents, believers and
non-believers, the powerful and the poor of this earth. Benedict XVI,
who immediately sent his comforting Blessing, here renews through me the
assurance of his participation in the profound grief of her spiritual
Representatives of other Christian Churches and of different
religions have joined the chorus of admiring esteem and deep
participation. The mass media too have brought into the limelight the
work she carried out, spreading evangelical love among people of
different cultures, faiths and backgrounds.
In fact, we can indeed say,
Chiara Lubich's life was a song of praise to God's love, to God who is
Dwelling in love and in God
"He who abides in love
abides in God, and God abides in him". How often did Chiara meditate
upon these words and how frequently did she return to them in her
writings, for example, in the Words of Life on which hundreds of
thousands of people have drawn for their spiritual formation! There is
no other way to know God and to give meaning and value to human
Love alone, divine Love, makes us capable of
"generating" love, of loving even our enemies. This is the Christian
newness, in this lies the whole Gospel.
But can we live Love? After the
Last Supper, in the moving farewell to the Apostles -- we have just
heard it --, Jesus prayed "that they may all be one". Thus, it is
Christ's prayer that sustains his friends on their journey in any age.
It is his Spirit that gives birth to witnesses of the living Gospel in
the Church; again, it is he, the living God, who leads us in times of
sadness and doubt, of difficulty and suffering. Those who entrust
themselves to him fear nothing, neither the hardship of the voyage on
stormy seas nor obstacles or adversities of any kind.
Those who
build their house on Christ are building on the rock of Love that
sustains all, exceeds all, conquers all. The 20th century is dotted with
the bright stars of this divine love. Consequently, it should not be
remembered solely for the marvelous breakthroughs achieved in the fields
of science and technology and for economic progress, which has not
eliminated, however, the unjust division of resources and goods between
peoples but on the contrary has sometimes even accentuated it.
20th century will not pass into history merely because of the efforts
made to build peace, which unfortunately have not prevented horrendous
crimes against humanity, and conflicts and wars that never cease to
bathe vast regions of the earth in blood.
Although the last
century was fraught with contradictions, it is the century in which God
brought forth innumerable, heroic men and women who, while they
alleviated the wounds of the sick and the suffering and shared the
destiny of the little, the poor and the lowly, dispensed the bread of
charity that heals hearts, opens minds to the truth and restores trust
and enthusiasm to lives broken by violence, injustice and sin.
Church already identifies some of these pioneers of charity as Saints
and Blesseds: Fr Guanella, Fr Orione, Fr Calabria, Mother Teresa of
Calcutta and even more. It was also the century when new Ecclesial
Movements were born, and Chiara Lubich found room in this constellation
for a charism that was quite her own and distinguished her apostolic
action. The Foundress of the Focolare Movement, in her own silent,
humble style, did not create institutions for social assistance and
human advancement, but dedicated herself to kindling in hearts the fire
of love for God.
She formed individuals who were love itself, who
lived the charism of unity and communion with God and with their
neighbour; people who spread "love-unity" by making themselves, their
homes and their work a "focolare" [hearth] where divine love burns
contagiously and sets ablaze all who are close to it. This is a mission
possible to everyone because the Gospel is within everyone's reach:
Bishops and priests, children, young people and adults, consecrated and
lay people, married couples, families and communities, all are called to
live the ideal of unity: "that they may all be one!".
Bringing the Gospel to life
the last interview she granted, which was published in the final days
of her agony, Chiara said: "The vital sap of the Mystical Body of Christ
is the wonder of reciprocal love". The Focolare Movement is thus
committed to living the Gospel to the letter: "the most powerful and
effective social revolution". From it were launched the "New Families"
and "New Humanity" Movements, the publishing house Città Nuova, the
Citadel of Loppiano and other citadels of witness on the different
continents, as well as lay branches such as the "Volunteers of God". In
the climate of renewal brought about by the Pontificate of Blessed John
XXIII and the Second Vatican Council, her courageous ecumenical
openness and quest for interreligious dialogue could come to fruition.
Catering for the years of youthful defiance, the "GEN Movement"
catalyzed thousands and thousands of young men and women, fascinating
them with the ideal of Gospel love, then extending its radius of action
with "Young People for a United World".
In order to present the
Gospel unabridged to children and youth, Chiara founded the Movement
"Youth for Unity". In Brazil, in response to the plight of those who
lived on the outskirts of the great megalopolises, she inaugurated the
project of an "Economy of Communion in Freedom", advancing a new theory
and economic praxis based on brotherhood, for sustainable development
for the benefit of all. May it please the Lord to favour many scholars
and financial agents to assume the economy of communion as a serious
resource in order to plan a new shared world order! And how many other
meetings did she organize with representatives of the different
religions, of politics and of the world of culture! "Mariapolis",
Mary's city, is the name that Chiara Lubich chose to give to the
meetings and proposals of a society renewed by Gospel love.
should they be called Mary's City? Because for Chiara, Our Lady was
"the most precious key for entering the Gospel". And perhaps this is why
she was able to highlight the Church's own "Marian profile" effectively
and constructively. Chiara decided to entrust her work to Mary by
giving it her own name: "Work of Mary". The Work, Chiara therefore
affirmed, "will remain on the earth like another Mary: totally Gospel,
nothing but the Gospel and, since it is the Gospel, it will never die".
And how would it be possible not to imagine that the Holy Virgin
herself accompanied Chiara on her arrival at the quay of eternity?
brothers and sisters, let us continue with the Eucharistic celebration,
bringing to the altar our "thank you" to the Lord for the witness which
this sister in Christ has bequeathed to us, for her prophetic
intuitions which preceded and prepared the great changes in history and
the extraordinary events that the Church experienced in the 20th
century. Let us join our gratitude to Chiara's. Reflecting on all the
gifts and all the graces she received, Chiara said that when presented
to God, and the Lord would ask her her name, she would simply answer:
"my name is Thank you. Thank you, Lord, for everything and for always".
is up to us, and especially to her spiritual children, to continue the
mission she began. From Heaven, where we like to think she has been
welcomed by Jesus, her Bridegroom, she will continue to walk beside us
and help us. Today, while we take our leave of Chiara with affection,
let us listen to these words, in her voice, which she often repeated:"I
would like the Work of Mary, at the end of time when, compact, it will
be waiting to appear before the abandoned and Risen Jesus, to be able to
say to him -- making its own the words of the Belgian theologian
Jacques Leclercq that never cease to move me: "On your day, my God, I
shall come towards you.... I shall come towards you, my God... and with
my most insane dream: to bring the world to you in my arms'". This was
Chiara's dream. May this also be our constant wish: "Father... that they
may all be one... so that the world may believe". Amen! (Cardinal Bertone's Sermon at Fake, Phony, Fraud Funeral "Mass".)
Apostate Bertone's "homily" was preceded by a letter Apostate Ratzinger/Benedict that he read prior to his own apologia in behalf of the heretic Chiara Lubich:
I am taking part spiritually in the solemn Liturgy
through which the Christian community accompanies Chiara Lubich in
taking her leave of this earth to enter the heart of the Heavenly
I renew with affection my heartfelt condolences to the heads of the
entire Focolare Movement - Work of Mary, as well as to those who have
collaborated in this generous witness to Christ, which is given
unreservedly for the spread of the Gospel message in every sphere of
contemporary society, always attentive to the "signs of the times".
There are many reasons to give thanks to the Lord for
the gift made to the Church by this woman of intrepid faith, a gentle
messenger of hope and of peace, Foundress of a vast spiritual family
that embraces many fields of evangelization.
I would above all like to thank God for the service that Chiara has
given to the Church, a silent and incisive service always in harmony
with the Church's Magisterium: "The Popes", she used to like to say,
"always understand us". And this is so because Chiara and her Work of
Mary have always sought to respond with docile fidelity to the appeals
and desires of each of them.
The continuous link with my Venerable Predecessors, from the Servant of
God Pius XII to Blessed John XXIII and the Servants of God Paul VI, John
Paul I and John Paul II, was a concrete testimony to this. The thought
of the Pope was for her a sure guide. Moreover, looking at the
initiatives she accomplished, one could even affirm that she had an
almost prophetic capacity to perceive and anticipate it.
Her legacy passes now to her spiritual family: may the Virgin Mary, a
constant model of reference for Chiara, help each Focolare member to
travel the same path, always contributing to make the Church, as was
written by beloved John Paul II on the day after the Great Jubilee of
the Year 2000, more a home and school of communion.
May the God of Hope receive the soul of our sister and
sustain the commitment of those who inherit her spiritual testament. I
assure you of a particular remembrance in prayer, while I extend to all
present at the sacred rite the Apostolic Blessing. (Letter of Pope Benedict XVI for the funeral of Chiara Lubich.)
His Apostateness, Joseph Ratzinger XVI, Antipope Emeritus has been a longtime supporter of the "movements," including Focolare. Apostate Bertone has been his trusted assistant for many years now. As many of the "cardinals" who have gathered in Rome have expressed a desire for a younger successor to the now retired universal public face of apostasy. Bertone, at seventy-eight, is a year older than Ratzinger was when he was "elected" in 2005. Peter Turkson would be very acceptable to him, and it would be Focolare in the absolute driver's seat of conciliarism.
For those who need a reminder, here is a quick refresher course on the late Chiara Lubich, the founder of the Focolare movement (one of those "ecclesial communities" that has been praised so lavishly by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI), provided by Cornelia Ferreira and John Vennari's World Youth Day: From Catholicism to Counterchurch:
Chiara Lubich, perhaps the most influential "Catholic" syncretist and promoter of Masonic world religion and government, is revered by religious leaders, the UN and heads of state. She is a worthy recipient of the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, the religious equivalent of the Nobel Prize. Her influence is felt in politics, economics and world governance as, using high-flown rhetoric, she propagates the absolute equality taught by Masonry and Communism.
It is Lubich was developed the prototype of the adult faith community or Counterchurch: the "new parish." Her New Parish Movement has been turning parishes into democratic communities by promoting co-responsibility. In a new parish, says Father Joseph Arruano, a member of Focolare's Priests Branch, "it is normal now to see pastors, priests and laymen form an authentic community, so that the parish does not become a bureaucratic [i.e.. hierarchical] institution." Within these parishes, "the people are united with one another and to their pastors, and consider themselves to be co-responsible for the entire spiritual and social life of the parish." That is because "each neighbor is Jesus and ... in his presence, not even the pastor can set himself above the others as teacher and judge. . . . Before God, it is not important whether we are men or women, rich or poor, Jew or Greek, nor does it matter when we are priest [sic] or laymen' (this is a famous misinterpretation of Gal. 3:28, used also to justify feminism and indifferentism). This egalitarian parish community develops "fraternity" and"one body" (in which non-Catholics are welcome). "Father Joe" calls its it "a real evangelical revolution." Note that "united" and "authentic" are code words for equal.
In Focolare's inner circles, its anticlericalism and contempt of priests with a "priestly mentality" (i.e., a lack of submission to Focolare's egalitarianism) is undisguised. Its public obeisance towards and "love bombing" of the hierarchy, especially the Pope, is just public relations. Gaining episcopal members or protectors silences critics and helps expansion. But in 1966, at the opening of a school in Rome for the formation of priests in Focolare's spirituality of unity, Chiara boldly proposed the dismantling of priestly authority:
If priests could learn how to set aside everything, even their very priesthood, to ensure the presence of Jesus amongst them [each person in the community, and the community as a whole, thus being alter Christus], . . . then ultimately Jesus will transform them into "new" priests with a "new" pastoral approach, and there will be "new" seminaries. . . . And if they are also united [as equals] to the lay section of the Movement, this will give rise to what I would call the "Church-City" or "Church-Society" . . . We can offer the world "new priests" who are "new" because they live the New Commandment [of equality]. . . .
Focolare was founded in 1943 in Trent, Italy, as a small Christian community. Almost from its founding, when ecumenism was forbidden for Catholics, Focolare was non-denominational. Staring in 1949, it held large annual ecumenical gatherings in temporary "cities" called "Mariapolises." (Thirty-three Mariapolises are now permanent towns, prototypes of the world community.) Focolare thus operated as the indifferentist Counterchurch long before the Council. It was championed by the pro-Marxist Monsignor Montini and officially approved by John XXIII. Later Montini, as Pope Paul VI, commented, "May God bless this new form of communitarian life, this new Christian life and fervor which is blossoming in the bosom of the Church," thus institutionalizing Communism and Masonic indifferentism as an exalted form of Catholicism.
Focolare's "quiet" ecumenism became publicly structured with the inauguration by Augustin Cardinal Bea, President of the Secretariat for Christian Unity, of its ecumenical village with Lutherans in Ottmaring, Germany, in 1968. With Church approval, praying together in this village that was living Focolare's spirit of unity was standard practice. Ottmaring became the model for ecumenical communities around the world.
Focolare's rapidly interdenominational priest and bishop branches have been approved as "Catholic" by Pope John Paul. Each year the Bishop Friends of the Focolare Movement meets for Catholic and non-Catholic bishops to study how to apply Focolare's spirituality of unity or communion in their lives. Begun in 1977, the group became ecumenical in 1982 and received canonical approval in 1994. For many years, the meeting have been organized by Milsolav Cardinal Vlk of Prague, a focolarino since 1964, who was shaped "far more" by Focolare "than the seminary. Pope John Paul promoted this Lubich apostle through the ranks to Cardinal, and appointed him to head the Council of European Bishops' Conferences in 1993. Before his term expired in 2001, Cardinal Vlk, signed an Ecumenical Charter with the Conference of [non-Catholic] European Churches, which includes gnostic Old Catholic Churches. The Charter commits Catholic and non-Catholic bishops to work for a Europe united in government and religion and for all the usual leftist demands of the New World Order.
The "spirituality of unity" or "collective spirituality," as it's termed, is based on changing Jesus' words, "Where two or three are gathered in My name..." (Matt. 18:20) to "Where two or three are united in My name." This is then interpreted to mean that "individualism is banned" in ideas, possessions, friendships and piety. This enforced conformity is called charity or love. In Focolare, "all differences vanished in the fire of charity." This spirituality is cultish and Communistic. It is also Jewish. Lubich says it is based on the Talmud, the Jewish body of man-made beliefs considered higher than the Bible. The Talmud contains occult teachings and has been condemned in many Papal Decrees.
Although Jesus clearly condemned the Talmudic teachings of the Pharisees, Chiara claims that His words, "Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them," are based on the Talmudic teaching, "If two sit together and the words between them are of the Torah then the Shekinah (the divine dwelling) is in their midst (Mishna Avot, 3,2)." In Judaism, Torah can symbolize either the Old Testament (which has been very distorted) or the Talmud (the false "Oral" Torah). One wonders if Lubich realizes this verse from the Babylonian Talmud is predicated on the belief that each Jew is God, so in any gathering of Jews, God is present. And does she know that in the kabbalistic beliefs of Orthodox Judaism, Shekinah is a goddess at the centre of a whole sexual mythology?
Now, according to SS. Cyprian and John Chrysostom, Jesus' words, "In My name," and "There am I in the midst of them" are understood only of assemblies gathered in the name of Christ, assembled by authority received from Him, in the manner appointed by Him, for His sake, and seeking only His glory. These conditions apply to lawful ecumenical councils. But Lubich heretically interprets this Gospel passage to teach that it is in a community (as opposed to in the tabernacle) that Jesus is present, so that the community is His Body, i.e., God. As seen earlier, such thinking has infected the rest of the Counterchurch.
Focolarini (Focolare members) seek Jesus only in unity with each other and claim that they "can generate the presence of Christ" amongst themselves. As with Unitarian Universalism, the translate "God is Love," into "love is God," where "love" denotes a unity stemming from complete equality and unanimity. From this they seem to conclude that the community that is united "loves," and is therefore God. Hence, a Counterchurch community like Focolare that "loves" by living unity, sees itself--including its non-Catholic members--as God, Jesus enfleshed, the Church. Focolare's New Parish spokesman Father Joe elaborates: " ... when a community accepts Jesus, he dwells there and the parishioners become his members, his Body. I have found the Church." Whether talking, working or resting, everything this community does automatically "becomes an expression of the supernatural, a manifestation of the divine in human activities." As with Unitarians, God for Lubich and her co-founders was an abstract power, an "ideal worth living for and as a result they focused their lives on the Gospel--their falsified Gospel. (Cornelia Ferreira and John Vennari, World Youth Day: From Catholicism to Counterchurch, Canisius Press, 2005, pp. 109-114.)
Yes, Focolare is based on Communist and Masonic principles. Why not create a "groundswell" in behalf of a prominent "bishop-friend"? It's the way of Communists and Freemasons, after all. (And I can hear it all now in the event that Turkson gets "elected." Those of us who are critics of the conciliar "popes" and conciliarism would be considered "racist" for criticizing "Pope" Turkson.)
Those who defend the counterfeit church of conciliarism by telling half-truths about its leaders while they disparage the canonical doctrine of the Catholic Church concerning the simple fact that those who defect from even one article of the Catholic Faith expel themselves from the bosom of Holy Mother Church and cannot hold ecclesiastical office within her legitimately must reckon with these words of Father Frederick William Faber:
Another gift of this devotion [to the Most Precious Blood of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ] is a vehement and intelligent hatred of sin. It is useless for the hatred to be intelligent unless it be also vehement, and worse than useless for it to be vehement unless it is intelligent as well. In these days what our loyalty to God most needs is sternness to the disloyal. This should be shown first and foremost to ourselves. Whom do we know to be so disloyal as ourselves? What resistance to grace, what contempt of warnings, what neglect of inspirations, what slovenliness of performance, make up our lives! If we hated sin as we ought to hate it, purely, keenly, manfully, we should do more penance, we should inflict more self-punishment, we should sorrow for our sins more abidingly. Then, again the crowning disloyalty to God is heresy. It is the sin of sins, the very loathsomest of things which God looks down upon in this malignant world. Yet how little do we understand of its excessive hatefulness! It is the polluting of God's truth, which is the worst of all impurities. Yet how light we make of it! We look at it, and are calm. We touch it, and do not shudder. We mix with it, and have no fear. We see it touch holy things, and we have no sense of sacrilege. We breathe its odor, and show no signs of detestation or disgust. Some of us affect its friendship; and some even extenuate its guilt. We do not love God enough to be angry for his glory. We do not love men enough to be charitably truthful for their souls. Having lost the touch, the taste, the sight, and all the sense of heavenly-mindedness, we can dwell amidst this odious plague, in imperturbable tranquility, reconciled to its foulness, not without some boastful professions of liberal admiration, perhaps even with a solicitous show of tolerant sympathies. Why are we so far below the old saints, and even the modern apostles of these latter times, in the abundance of our conversions? Because we have not the antique sternness. We want the old Church-spirit, the old ecclesiastical genius. Our charity is untruthful, because it is not severe; and it is unpersuasive, because it is untruthful. We lack devotion to truth as truth, as God's truth. Our zeal for souls is puny, because we have no zeal for God's honor. We act as if God were complimented by conversions, instead of trembling souls rescued by a stretch of mercy. We tell men half the truth, the half that best suits our own pusillanimity and their conceit; and then we wonder that so few are converted, and that of those few so many apostatize. We are so weak as to be surprised that our half-truth has not succeeded as well as God's whole truth. Where there is no hatred of heresy, there is no holiness. A man, who might be an apostle, becomes a fester in the Church for the want of this righteous abomination. We need St. Michael to put new hearts in these days of universal heresy. But devotion to the Precious Blood, with its hymning of the Church and its blazoning of the Sacraments, will give us Michael's heart and the craft to use Michael's sword. Who ever drew his sword with nobler haste, or used his victory more tenderly, than that brave archangel, whose war-cry was, All for God! (Father Frederick Faber, The Precious Blood, written in 1860, republished by TAN Books and Publishers, pp. 270-271.)
Words matter. Truth matters. There is nothing "sensitive" about the truths of the Holy Faith. Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ made this very clear when He said:
Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed: nor hidden, that shall not be known. For whatsoever things you have spoken in darkness, shall be published in the light: and that which you have spoken in the ear in the chambers, shall be preached on the housetops. And I say to you, my friends: Be not afraid of them who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you shall fear: fear ye him, who after he hath killed, hath power to cast into hell. Yea, I say to you, fear him.
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? Yea, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: you are of more value than many sparrows. And I say to you, Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God. But he that shall deny me before men, shall be denied before the angels of God. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but to him that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven.
And when they shall bring you into the synagogues, and to magistrates and powers, be not solicitous how or what you shall answer, or what you shall say; For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what you must say. (Luke 12: 1-12.)
Truth matters. There is no "victory" when truth is hidden or misrepresented in order to claim as a triumph that which compromises the Faith in any way, shape or form.
Our Lady is our sure refuge in this time of apostasy and betrayal.
May we, by praying as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit, help to make reparation for our own sins--and those of the whole world--offering the fruit of our prayers and sufferings and trials and difficulties to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
See also: A Litany of Saints