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October 13, 2013



Francis Rallies the Forces of Antichrist

by Thomas A. Droleskey

Although we are yet one day away from Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis's "consecration" of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which may be accompanied by yet another effort to link Our Lady's Fatima Message to false ecumenism and the role of the "world's religions" in the "establishment of peace," there has been so much happening in the past few days that it is becoming ever more certain that the Antichrist cannot be far away.

After all, one of the signs of the coming of Antichrist is the gathering of all of the world's false religions together the One World Ecumenical Church about which Pope Saint Pius X had warned us very precisely one hundred three years ago now:


And now, overwhelmed with the deepest sadness, We ask Ourselves, Venerable Brethren, what has become of the Catholicism of the Sillon? Alas! this organization which formerly afforded such promising expectations, this limpid and impetuous stream, has been harnessed in its course by the modern enemies of the Church, and is now no more than a miserable affluent of the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world (if such a Church could overcome) the reign of legalized cunning and force, and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who toil and suffer. (Pope Saint Pius X, Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910.)

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is merely the logical end product of the revolution that convened fifty-one years ago yesterday in the Basilica of Saint Peter as Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII opened the "Second" Vatican Council, telling us that the time for "mercy" rather than the denunciation of error had arrived:


In these days, which mark the beginning of this Second Vatican Council, it is more obvious than ever before that the Lord's truth is indeed eternal. Human ideologies change. Successive generations give rise to varying errors, and these often vanish as quickly as they came, like mist before the sun.

The Church has always opposed these errors, and often condemned them with the utmost severity. Today, however, Christ's Bride prefers the balm of mercy to the arm of severity. She believes that, present needs are best served by explaining more fully the purport of her doctrines, rather than by publishing condemnations.

Not that the need to repudiate and guard against erroneous teaching and dangerous ideologies is less today than formerly. But all such error is so manifestly contrary to rightness and goodness, and produces such fatal results, that our contemporaries show every inclination to condemn it of their own accord—especially that way of life which repudiates God and His law, and which places excessive confidence in technical progress and an exclusively material prosperity. It is more and more widely understood that personal dignity and true self-realization are of vital importance and worth every effort to achieve. More important still, experience has at long last taught men that physical violence, armed might, and political domination are no help at all in providing a happy solution to the serious problems which affect them.

The great desire, therefore, of the Catholic Church in raising aloft at this Council the torch of truth, is to show herself to the world as the loving mother of all mankind; gentle, patient, and full of tenderness and sympathy for her separated children. To the human race oppressed by so many difficulties, she says what Peter once said to the poor man who begged an alms: "Silver and gold I have none; but what I have, that I give thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, arise and walk." In other words it is not corruptible wealth, nor the promise of earthly happiness, that the Church offers the world today, but the gifts of divine grace which, since they raise men up to the dignity of being sons of God, are powerful assistance and support for the living of a more fully human life. She unseals the fountains of her life-giving doctrine, so that men, illumined by the light of Christ, will understand their true nature and dignity and purpose. Everywhere, through her children, she extends the frontiers of Christian love, the most powerful means of eradicating the seeds of discord, the most effective means of promoting concord, peace with justice, and universal brotherhood. (Angelo Roncalli/ John XXIII 's Opening Address)

"But all such error is so manifestly contrary to rightness and goodness, and produces fatal results, that our contemporaries show every inclination to condemn it of their own accord"? Behold the proliferation of error and confusion and ambiguity and uncertainty that has taken place as a result of this benign view of error that was expressed by Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII, who was under suspicion of heresy during the pontificate of Pope Saint Pius X.

This proliferation of error is so pronounced and so widespread in the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism that the average Catholic, noting, of course, exceptions here and there, has become so very accustomed to apostasy that he is incapable of recognizing that it is a Mortal Sin, objectively speaking, for a Catholic to enter into a place of false worship and then to praise that place of diabolical rites as "sacred" and to praise the "values" held by the adherents of that false religion.

As has been pointed out in many recent articles on this site, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the "Pope of Terminal Niceness"*, is simply providing the world a message of pure, unadulterated conciliarism without any pretense of adhering to even a fabricated "connection" to Holy Mother Church's authentic teaching that characterized Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II's concept of a "living tradition" and Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's dogmatically condemned and philosophically absurd "hermeneutic of continuity." (*--"The Pope of Terminal Niceness" is not very nice to traditionally-minded Catholics. See Francis: The Latest In A Long Line Of Ecclesiastical Tyrants and Francis: Apostle of Antichrist, part two.)

In a total perversion of the exclamation made by the Apostles to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ at the Last Supper concerning the Divine Master's speaking plainly to them ("Behold, now thou speakest plainly" John 16: 29), Jorge Mario Bergoglio is now speaking plainly to one and all about the true meaning of conciliarism. Then again, everything Antichrist says and does is a perversion of Our Lord and His Sacred Teaching. He is simply being much more open and honest about this than were his predecessors, although each did much all of their very own to blaspheme Our Lord and to spread errors concerning the Sacred Deposit of Faith as they engaged in unspeakable acts of sacrilege.

Events in just the past few days so that Jorge is indeed rallying the forces of Antichrist.

Seeking Out The Sikhs

The amalgamation of all religions into a one world ecumenical church headed by Antichrist is proceeding very rapidly precisely because Jorge Mario Bergoglio believes that "peace" can be accomplished by "believers" and even by atheists without regard to the simple truth that Catholicism is the only foundation of personal and social order.

Especially welcome these days within the walls of the Occupied Vatican on the West Bank of the Tiber River Well are those who deny the Sacred Divinity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, including, of course, Talmudists, Mohammedans, Hindus, Buddhists and, among so many others, Sikhs:

New Delhi: Sikh scholar Mohinder Singh took Guru Nanak’s message of peaceful co-existence to the world stage last week. The occasion was International Prayer for Peace, a two-day congregation of representatives of different faiths to appeal for reconciliation in Syria. Attended by 350 delegates, it was hosted by the Community of Sant’Egidio and officially supported by the Head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis.

Back from the Vatican, Mohinder Singh, honorary director of Bhai Veer Singh Sadan, said: “It was a fascinating assembly of believers and non-believers. For the first time, the Head of the Catholic Church openly welcomed a dialogue between believers and non-believers and between faiths.” Mohinder Singh, who represented Sikhism at the conference, took part in a panel discussion on “Dialogue between Religions: A Road to Peace”. He shared the dais with Jean Pierre Delville, Bishop of Belgium; Yahya Sergis Yahe Pallabicini, Imam of Milan; and Tep Vong, patriarch of Cambodian Buddhism.

“For me it was an occasion to recall the fundamental message of Guru Nanak to his followers, to listen first and sermonise later. I narrated an incident from the Guru’s life. When the Guru visited Multan, he was stopped at the city’s entry by a group of holy men who showed him a bowl full of milk, indicating that the city was full of saints and there was no place for more.

“The Guru smiled back, saying he was like the jasmine petal that floats on the milk without taking any space,” Mohinder Singh said in his address at the Vatican.

The Sikh scholar was part of a select group of faith leaders who had a special audience with the Pope.

Among the delegates was a Holocaust survivor David Barodman and Italian journalist Antonio Ferrari, released by Syrian militants after six months in captivity.

Mohinder Singh, who is also member, National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions, said the highlight of the event was the presence of all Cardinals across the world, whom the Pope had invited for the first time.

The conference culminated in an appeal for peace in Syria followed by a procession. “The event marks a change in the attitude of the Catholic Church which had hitherto believed that all solutions lie in Christianity,” said Mohinder Singh, who presented the Pope with his book on the Golden Temple and invited him to visit the Sikh seat of worship. (Sikh scholar speaks of Guru�s peace message at Vatican

Sikhism is an entirely fabricated religion based upon the "thoughts," such as they were, of gurus that are meant to guide followers along the paths of "peace."

As we know, of course, there is no peace that is not that of the Divine Redeemer, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Himself, Whose Sacred Divinity is rejected in no uncertain terms by this cult that accepts surgical baby-killing in some instances and leaves the matter of contraception to the "consciences" of followers:


Sikhs respectfully disagree with some Christians who believe that Jesus is God. According to Sikhism, Jesus or any other person who took birth in this world is not God. Sikhism has a clear description of God. "God is One. He is the Supreme Truth. He the Creator, is without fear and without hate. He is immortal. He is neither born and nor does He die. By Guru's grace shall He be met. Chant And Meditate on His Name. In the beginning, He was the Truth. Throughout the ages, He has been the Truth. He is the Truth now and He shall be the Truth forever" (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 1). "He has no form, no shape, no color; God is beyond these three qualities. One understands Him, O Nanak, with whom God is pleased" (Guru Granth Sahib Ji, 283).

Jesus took birth and had physical human form, therefore, Sikhism instructs that Jesus cannot be God since God does not take birth and nor does He die. Any individual who has taken birth in the history of mankind including Sikh Gurus, Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha are not God. Sikhs however do not discount that Jesus is a prophet and like Sikh Gurus may be one with God.

A much-used analogy to describe this is that of an ocean. If God is like an ocean, then our soul is like a drop of water taken from the ocean. The drop of water can become one with the ocean but can never be label as the ocean itself. A human soul can become one with God and attain salvation but can never be label as God Himself. Jesus could have been one with God but not God Himself. (Sikhism: Is Jesus God?)

The member of the Sikh cult who wrote this must have met a conciliarist or two in his time as he began his "expert" discourse on the Sacred Divinity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by saying that "Sikhs disagree with some Christians with some Christians who believe that Jesus is God." That is quite a statement in and of itself as belief in the Sacred Divinity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is part of both the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. In reality, of course, many Modernist Catholics and "mainstream" Protestants do not believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God made Incarnate in the Virginal and Immaculate Womb of His Most Blessed Mother.

To believe, as Sikhs and Hindus and Buddhists and Jainists and Talmudists and Mohammedans do, that there can be any kind of "peace" absent that of the peace of Christ the King is to believe in a diabolical lie. And it is a lie with which the the conciliar revolutionaries, including Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis, believe is a necessary constituent of establishing "the civilization of love."

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Follows Angelo Roncalli/John XIII's Path to Antichrist's One World Religion

Yet it is that the false "pontiff," Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis, believes that those who deny the Sacred Divinity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ can be instruments in the establishment of "peace" in the world. Bergoglio/Francis has no interest in converting the Sikhs with whom he met recently. After all, he is a true disciple of Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII, whose Pacem in Terris, April 11, 1963, was the subject of yet more praise from him just ten days ago now:


In his remarks Thursday, the second day of the conference, Pope Francis recalled John XXIII’s 1962 radio message calling for ‘peace, peace!’ as world powers came to the brink of nuclear war. And later, Blessed Pope John Paul II’s efforts at the time of the Iron Curtain which led to “an opening of spaces of freedom and dialogue.” John XXIII’s seeds of peace brought fruits, the Pope said, but despite “the fall of walls and barriers, the world continues to need peace” and Pacem in Terris remains extremely relevant.

The Encyclical, Pope Francis said, reminds us that the basis of peace-making exists in mankind’s “divine origin” and thus everyone, from individuals and families to society and States are called to “build peace, on the example of Jesus Christ… by promoting and practicing justice with truth and love…(and) contributing…to integral human development” through solidarity. And that means an end to “egotism, individualism, and group interests at every level.”

But has today’s world learned any lessons from Pacem in Terris? the Pope asked: “Are the words justice and solidarity” found “solely in our dictionary or are we all working to realize them?”

Pacem in Terris reminds us that “there can be no real peace and harmony if we fail to work for a more just” and jointly supportive society, the Pope said.

And if man, and indeed, society and authorities themselves share a common divine origin, then every human being shares a common dignity “to promote, respect and safeguard always.”

Priority national and international action, said the Pope, must work towards a world where everyone is able “to effectively access food, water, shelter , health care, education and (be given) the possibility to form and support a family.” Lasting peace for all depends on it.

It is not the Church’s job to indicate solutions to complex social issues which should be “left to free discussion,” Pope Francis said, noting that John XXIII’s call for peace in 1962 was an attempt to “orient the international debate” according to the virtues of “dialogue, listening, patience, respect of the other, sincerity and even an openness to reconsidering one’s own opinion.”

The Pope urged participants to seek guidance from Pacem in Terris as they discuss the challenges to peace today: what he described as an “educational emergency,” “the impact of the mass media on consciences, access to the earth’s resources,” the ethical use of biological research, “the arms race and national and international security measures.” The current world economic crisis, which the Pope called “a grave symptom of the disrespect for man and for truth with which Governments and citizens make decisions” is just another example of what needs to be fixed in an equitable way for lasting world peace to succeed.

Are we prepared to meet the challenge posed by Pacem in Terris? He wondered.

As if in answer to his own question, Pope Francis described the world economic crisis as “inhuman” and expressed his deep sorrow for the latest maritime tragedy off the coast of the Italian island of Lampedusa in which scores of refugees lost their lives. Calling today’s tragedy “shameful”, he asked everyone to renew “our efforts to ensure that such tragedies are not repeated.” (Pacem in Terris a guide for a better, peaceful world.)

This is why everyone, including the blasphemous Sikhs, are welcome at the conciliar "table" to be open to "reconsidering one's own opinion" as if the Catholic Church had but a mere "opinion" to offer men rather the very Sacred Deposit of Faith in all of Its Holy Integrity.

There can be no "peace" as long as the conciliar revolutionaries themselves blaspheme God on a daily basis, spread heresies abroad about His Divine Teaching and treat representatives of false religions as having a mission from Him to serve and thus save souls.

There can be no "peace" as long as civil leaders promote the chemical and surgical execution of innocent preborn children and seek to establish legal protection, including "marriage," for those engaged in perverse acts in violation of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments.

Yes, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis is rallying the forces of Antichrist to build a "better, more peaceful, more just" world when he is an agent of evil in his own right and as he enables by his words and deeds the very civil leaders who are making daily war upon the binding precepts while being as oblivious as they are to these words of Catholic truth:


15. Everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to masonry or to affiliated groups. Know them by their fruits and avoid them. Every familiarity should be avoided, not only with those impious libertines who openly promote the character of the sect, but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance, respect for all religions, and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the Gospel with those of the revolution. These men seek to reconcile Christ and Belial, the Church of God and the state without God. (Pope Leo XIII, Custodi Di Quella Fede, December 8, 1892.)

The more closely the temporal power of a nation aligns itself with the spiritual, and the more it fosters and promotes the latter, by so much the more it contributes to the conservation of the commonwealth. For it is the aim of the ecclesiastical authority by the use of spiritual means, to form good Christians in accordance with its own particular end and object; and in doing this it helps at the same time to form good citizens, and prepares them to meet their obligations as members of a civil society. This follows of necessity because in the City of God, the Holy Roman Catholic Church, a good citizen and an upright man are absolutely one and the same thing. How grave therefore is the error of those who separate things so closely united, and who think that they can produce good citizens by ways and methods other than those which make for the formation of good Christians. For, let human prudence say what it likes and reason as it pleases, it is impossible to produce true temporal peace and tranquillity by things repugnant or opposed to the peace and happiness of eternity. (Silvio Cardinal Antoniano, quoted by Pope Pius XI in Divini Illius Magistri, December 31, 1929.)

Here we have, founded by Catholics, an inter-denominational association that is to work for the reform of civilization, an undertaking which is above all religious in character; for there is no true civilization without a moral civilization, and no true moral civilization without the true religion: it is a proven truth, a historical fact. The new Sillonists cannot pretend that they are merely working on “the ground of practical realities” where differences of belief do not matter. Their leader is so conscious of the influence which the convictions of the mind have upon the result of the action, that he invites them, whatever religion they may belong to, “to provide on the ground of practical realities, the proof of the excellence of their personal convictions.” And with good reason: indeed, all practical results reflect the nature of one’s religious convictions, just as the limbs of a man down to his finger-tips, owe their very shape to the principle of life that dwells in his body.  (Pope Saint Pius X, Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910.)

This, nevertheless, is what they want to do with human society; they dream of changing its natural and traditional foundations; they dream of a Future City built on different principles, and they dare to proclaim these more fruitful and more beneficial than the principles upon which the present Christian City rests.

No, Venerable Brethren, We must repeat with the utmost energy in these times of social and intellectual anarchy when everyone takes it upon himself to teach as a teacher and lawmaker - the City cannot be built otherwise than as God has built it; society cannot be setup unless the Church lays the foundations and supervises the work; no, civilization is not something yet to be found, nor is the New City to be built on hazy notions; it has been in existence and still is: it is Christian civilization, it is the Catholic City. It has only to be set up and restored continually against the unremitting attacks of insane dreamers, rebels and miscreants. omnia instaurare in Christo. (Pope Saint Pius X, Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910.)

Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII's Pacem in Terris was the path to Gaudium et Spes, December 7, 1965, and thus it was the path to "seeking out the Sikhs" for "dialogue" along the "path to world peace."

Yet it will ever remain the case that Pacem in Terris and thus the entire basis of the counterfeit church of conciliarism's "outreach to the world" is the very antithesis of Pope Pius XI's first encyclical letter, Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio, December 23, 1922:

42. Because the Church is by divine institution the sole depository and interpreter of the ideals and teachings of Christ, she alone possesses in any complete and true sense the power effectively to combat that materialistic philosophy which has already done and, still threatens, such tremendous harm to the home and to the state. The Church alone can introduce into society and maintain therein the prestige of a true, sound spiritualism, the spiritualism of Christianity which both from the point of view of truth and of its practical value is quite superior to any exclusively philosophical theory. The Church is the teacher and an example of world good-will, for she is able to inculcate and develop in mankind the "true spirit of brotherly love" (St. Augustine, De Moribus Ecclesiae Catholicae, i, 30) and by raising the public estimation of the value and dignity of the individual's soul help thereby to lift us even unto God.

43. Finally, the Church is able to set both public and private life on the road to righteousness by demanding that everything and all men become obedient to God "Who beholdeth the heart," to His commands, to His laws, to His sanctions. If the teachings of the Church could only penetrate in some such manner as We have described the inner recesses of the consciences of mankind, be they rulers or be they subjects, all eventually would be so apprised of their personal and civic duties and their mutual responsibilities that in a short time "Christ would be all, and in all." (Colossians iii, 11)

44. Since the Church is the safe and sure guide to conscience, for to her safe-keeping alone there has been confided the doctrines and the promise of the assistance of Christ, she is able not only to bring about at the present hour a peace that is truly the peace of Christ, but can, better than any other agency which We know of, contribute greatly to the securing of the same peace for the future, to the making impossible of war in the future. For the Church teaches (she alone has been given by God the mandate and the right to teach with authority) that not only our acts as individuals but also as groups and as nations must conform to the eternal law of God. In fact, it is much more important that the acts of a nation follow God's law, since on the nation rests a much greater responsibility for the consequences of its acts than on the individual.

45. When, therefore, governments and nations follow in all their activities, whether they be national or international, the dictates of conscience grounded in the teachings, precepts, and example of Jesus Christ, and which are binding on each and every individual, then only can we have faith in one another's word and trust in the peaceful solution of the difficulties and controversies which may grow out of differences in point of view or from clash of interests. An attempt in this direction has already and is now being made; its results, however, are almost negligible and, especially so, as far as they can be said to affect those major questions which divide seriously and serve to arouse nations one against the other. No merely human institution of today can be as successful in devising a set of international laws which will be in harmony with world conditions as the Middle Ages were in the possession of that true League of Nations, Christianity. It cannot be denied that in the Middle Ages this law was often violated; still it always existed as an ideal, according to which one might judge the acts of nations, and a beacon light calling those who had lost their way back to the safe road.

46. There exists an institution able to safeguard the sanctity of the law of nations. This institution is a part of every nation; at the same time it is above all nations. She enjoys, too, the highest authority, the fullness of the teaching power of the Apostles. Such an institution is the Church of Christ. She alone is adapted to do this great work, for she is not only divinely commissioned to lead mankind, but moreover, because of her very make-up and the constitution which she possesses, by reason of her age-old traditions and her great prestige, which has not been lessened but has been greatly increased since the close of the War, cannot but succeed in such a venture where others assuredly will fail.

47. It is apparent from these considerations that true peace, the peace of Christ, is impossible unless we are willing and ready to accept the fundamental principles of Christianity, unless we are willing to observe the teachings and obey the law of Christ, both in public and private life. If this were done, then society being placed at last on a sound foundation, the Church would be able, in the exercise of its divinely given ministry and by means of the teaching authority which results therefrom, to protect all the rights of God over men and nations. (Pope Pius XI, Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio, December 23, 1922.)

Jorge Mario Bergoglio does not believe in this.

No, not one word of it, which is why he must denounce almost everything to do with the "self-referential" and "too-closed-in-on-itself" "no church" of the past as he welcomes blasphemers and infidels and heretics as "participants" in "dialogue" without ever seeking their conversion to the true Faith. It is Catholics, he keeps telling us, who need to be "converted" to this conciliar mentality.

Make no mistake about it, of course. Jorge Mario Bergoglio does have "participants" in "dialogue." The end product of that "dialogue," however, is Antichrist's One World Ecumenical Church.

Justin Welby Calls for a Reconciliation with the Revolution Against Purity But Finds Time for Confession As Well

One of Jorge Mario Bergoglio's "partners in dialogue" is the Anglican layman who calls himself the "archbishop" of Canterbury, Justin Welby, whom he holds in the highest esteem.

The pro-contraception, pro-abortion (support abortion in even one instance, my friends, and one is pro-abortion) and anti-"homophobia" Mr. Welby has been busy himself recently, finding time, however, to go to "confession" to a conciliar presbyter, a practice that he thinks more of his own Anglican sect should adopt. No, none of this is fabricated:

The Most Rev Justin Welby advised churchgoers that it could be an “enormously powerful” experience to unburden themselves to a confessor, even if it was not always a “bunch of laughs”.

His comments came as he addressed the heads of other churches – including the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England Wales, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols – about divisions between Christians.

Although Archbishop Welby comes from the evangelical wing of Anglicanism, his personal spiritual director is a Swiss Roman Catholic priest, Fr Nicolas Buttet, and he is a strong advocate of Catholic worship styles.

He spoke of being part of a wider “catholic tradition”, adding: “I’ve learnt over the last 10 years about the great sacrament of reconciliation: confession.

“It is enormously powerful and hideously painful when it’s done properly … it’s really horrible when you go to see your confessor – I doubt you wake up in the morning and think, this is going to be a bunch of laughs.

“It’s really uncomfortable. But through it God releases forgiveness and absolution and a sense of cleansing.”

He acknowledged that he had his own personal struggles, remarking: “I’m an Archbishop; I know about the absence of humility. I struggle with it.”

Although more commonly associated with Catholicism, the Church of England has long offered a form of confession to worshippers, on request.

Anglican priests meet parishioners to hear confession face to face, often in their own home, without such trappings as confessional booths, and offer absolution for sins.

Speaking at a meeting at Lambeth Palace, organised by the group “Churches Together in England”, he also urged Christians to recognise the Church’s racist past.

“I often think about the fact that in the 1960s when Afro-Caribbean people first came to this country they were not made welcome in our churches,” he said.

“It’s the reality; it was a sin, a very bad sin.” ('Catholic' confession is good for the soul - says Archheretic of Canterbury.)

Understand the reality of what is described in this news story.

A conciliar presbyter who lacks true priestly orders hears the "confession" of a non-Catholic layman.

The non-Catholic layman denies that Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ founded His one true Church, the Catholic Church, upon the Rock of Peter, the Pope, thus denying Papal Primacy.

The non-Catholic layman denies the doctrine of Papal Infallibility.

The non-Catholic layman denies the indissolubility of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.

The non-Catholic layman denies the doctrine of Purgatory.

The non-Catholic layman denies the dogmatic definitions of the seven sacraments that Our Lord gave His Catholic Church.

The non-Catholic layman denies the doctrine of Purgatory.

The non-Catholic layman denies the Sovereignty of God over the sanctity and fecundity of marriage by means of supporting contraception.

The non-Catholic layman believes that women should be "ordained" to the Anglican presbyterate.

The non-Catholic layman employs liturgical rites that have been condemned as heretical (Pope Saint Pius V, Regnans in Excelsis, March 5, 1570) and adheres to a ritual for "episcopal consecration" decreed to be null and void by Pope Leo XIII in Apostolicae Curae, September 15, 1896.

The non-Catholic layman believes in Modernist Scriptural exegesis and a moral theology that is constantly changing to suit the alleged "needs" of the moment.

The non-Catholic layman has no desire whatsoever to abjure these errors.

Yet it is that the a lay conciliar presbyter who believes himself to be a validly ordained Catholic priest hears the "confession" of the non-Catholic layman who poses as the "Archbishop of Canterbury."

Then again, the lay conciliar presbyter believes in many of the same things as does his "penitent" and uses liturgical rites that are just as invalid and thus displeasing and sacrilegious in the sight of the Most Blessed Trinity.

How can Justin Welby (see Jorge Mario Bergoglio And His Friend, Justin Welby and Francis The Anti-Campion) be denied what purports to be Holy Communion in the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo litturgical service that is so much to his liking as a "low church" Anglican?

He can't.

See for yourselves:


The Archbishop of Birmingham, the Most Rev Bernard Longley, signalled that restrictions, which can be traced back to the Reformation, might be “reconsidered” as a result of “deeper sharing” between the two churches.

Although he insisted that he was expressing a “personal view”, the Archbishop’s comments will be closely watched as he is the senior Catholic cleric responsible for dialogue with the Anglican churches.

His remarks were warmly welcomed by leading figures in the Church of England who said it was time for closer ties.

For centuries, the issue of communion was a source of some of the deepest and most bitter division between protestants and Catholics.

In the 16th and 17th centuries Christians from both traditions were put to death because of disagreements over their beliefs on transubstantiation – whether the bread and wine in Communion are the real body and blood of Christ or a symbol.

Archbishop Longley is the Catholic co-chairman of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC), an official body which has been working for the reunification of the two churches for more than 50 years.

In an interview with the Church of Ireland Gazette, he said that although the two churches now work closely together on a daily basis it was a source of “pain” that they still could not share communion.

But he pointed to a Vatican document published in 1993 as well as a paper produced by bishops in the British Isles which already allows non-Roman Catholics to receive sacraments in very special circumstances, including if they are in danger of death.

Asked whether he thought, that given there had already been a limited relation, there could be room for further changes, he said: “My personal view is, you are right to draw attention to the changes which we have already seen on the basis of a deeper theological understanding of one another’s churches.

“And on that basis the 1993 Ecumenical Directory made possible the reception of Holy Communion by the baptised who are not members of the Roman Catholic Church in a number of specified circumstances and with certain criteria.

Given that that represents a change and a very significant shift away from the impossibility to the limited possibility then I could imagine and foresee one of the fruits of our ecumenical engagement as moving towards a deeper understanding of communion and a deeper sharing between our churches … which perhaps would lead to a reconsideration of some of the circumstances.”

He added that it was impossible for him to predict the “speed of change” but that he hoped existing rules could be made use of.

But the Anglican Bishop of Guildford, the Rt Rev Christopher Hill, a member of the Commission and one of the most prominent Anglican figures pressing for closer ties, said that the influence of Pope Francis could mean that the time is ripe for change.

I am aware that Rome is considering updating the Directory and now with the more open tone coming from Pope Francis I can see why Archbishop Bernard is thinking that perhaps the time is right for perhaps another look at it,” he said.

“I am very pleased to see the words which Archbishop Longley has spoken in terms of non-Roman Catholics receiving communion under certain circumstances.

“Archbishop Bernard, of course, is a very experienced ecumenist in Britain and internationally.”

The Rev Robert Byrne, secretary to the Department for Dialogue and Unity, at the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, said: "The hope of all Christians is that one day all will be united in faith and be able to share in one Eucharist.

"How and when that day comes, no one can predict. It is up to the Holy Spirit.

"In the meantime, as Archbishop Longley highlights, the Catholic Church permits and even commends access to the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist, Penance and the Anointing of the Sick for Christians of other Churches.

"This is realistically provided for in certain circumstances under specific conditions as spelt out in the 1993 Directory and One Bread One Body of 1998.” (Anglicans could receive Roman Catholic communion, Archbishop suggests.)

What was that Pope Saint Pius X wrote about the One World Ecumenical Church?

Let me remind you in case you have a very short memory:

And now, overwhelmed with the deepest sadness, We ask Ourselves, Venerable Brethren, what has become of the Catholicism of the Sillon? Alas! this organization which formerly afforded such promising expectations, this limpid and impetuous stream, has been harnessed in its course by the modern enemies of the Church, and is now no more than a miserable affluent of the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world (if such a Church could overcome) the reign of legalized cunning and force, and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who toil and suffer. (Pope Saint Pius X, Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910.)

A "One World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions."

This is an exact, precise and quite prophetic description of what Jorge Mario Bergoglio is doing at this time to put the finishing touches on the One World Ecumenical Church whose founding began, albeit cleverly at first, under Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII and which "evolved" under the pretense of Catholicism under Giovanni Montini/Paul the Sick, Albino Luciani/John Paul I, Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II and Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI. Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis is simply tearing the mask off of the charade, although he is capable of putting on a good pious show of things now and again for the sake of the "Pharisees" within his ranks who might have been alarmed by the transparency of his Modernist agenda in the past seven months.

Seven months?

Yes, it is seven months ago today that Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis was "elected" by his brother apostates to be the universal public face of apostasy, and front and center of the Argentine Modernist's "Petrine Ministry," of course, has been his great filial devotion to the false Talmudic religion, a devotion that has been expressed by his reciting Talmudic prayers with his fellow Argentine, the pro-abortion and pro-perversity Rabbi Abraham Skorka, at the Casa Santa Marta during a week long stay there last month (see Nothing Random About This, part five).

High Praise for Jorge From the Israeli Ambassador to the Holy See

Zion Evrony, the Israeli Ambassador to the Holy See, gushed with effusive praise for Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis when he addressed an audience at Rockhurst University, a revolutionary stronghold of the Society of Jesus, in Kansas City, Missouri, on Tuesday, October 8, 2013, praise that Bergoglio/Francis certainly has earned, although much to his discredit in the sight of God:


Zion Evrony, Israel's ambassador to the Vatican, lectured Tuesday night at Rockhurst University. He spoke with great hope about the future of Catholic-Jewish relations, particularly in light of Pope Francis' papacy.

Jesuit-run Rockhurst University partnered with the Jewish Community Relations Bureau and the American Jewish Committee to bring the ambassador to Kansas City, Mo. Evrony has served at the Vatican since 2012. Before that, he was Israel's consul general in Houston and Israel's ambassador to Ireland. Evrony's lecture was titled, "Conversations between Jerusalem and Rome."

"The relations between the Jewish people and the Catholic church may be the best they have been in 2,000 years," Evrony said.

He explained how his encounters with Popes Benedict XVI and Francis have been "positive and warm," and he thanked "both popes for their friendship with Israel."

"I see myself as ambassador to the Catholic world. My job ... is to create more understanding for Israel's unique circumstance and the threats it faces," Evrony said.

When Francis first saw Evrony in a crowd of Vatican ambassadors, Francis waved at him and said, "Shalom." He then asked Evrony to "please pray for me," the ambassador said.

Evrony said this encounter was drastically different from just 100 years ago, when Pope Pius X met Theodore Herzl, the father of modernist Zionism. Herzl sought the Vatican's support for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, but Pius refused him, saying, "The Jews have not recognized our Lord, therefore we cannot recognize the Jewish people."

Evrony mentioned Francis' friendship with Argentine rabbis, and how "his new style, his new universal message of caring for poor, love of peace, love of the environment and interreligious dialogue, makes it very interesting to work with the Holy See."

When Francis told a group of Jewish representatives in June, "Due to our common roots, a Christian cannot be anti-Semitic," Evrony said he felt great optimism for the future of Catholic-Jewish interchange.

"We always have to keep a sense of optimism," Evrony said. "In the Holy Land, if you don't believe in miracles, you are not living in reality."

He concluded his lecture by reminding the largely Catholic audience that there is "more that unites us than that divides us," and asking them to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem." (Israel's ambassador to the Vatican praises interreligious relations.)

How interesting it is that Zion Evrony knows of Pope Saint Pius X's audience with Theodore Herzl on January 25, 1904, that should provide all of the proof a believing Catholic needs to have to see that men such as Jorge Mario Bergoglio are apostates who have fallen from the Catholic Church. Most Catholics, have been robbed of the sensus Catholicus to such an extent that they see Pope Saint Pius X as having been "bigoted" while rejoicing at the "enlightenment" of Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis.

Zion Evrony said five days ago that there is "more that unites us than divides us"?

Belief in the Most Holy Trinity?

Belief in the Sacred Divinity of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His Redemptive Act on the wood of the Holy Cross that ratified the New and Eternal Covenant that He had instituted at the Last Supper and thus terminated the Old Covenant?

Belief in the Catholic Church as the sole means of human sanctification and salvation?

Belief in the binding precepts of the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law as they have been safeguarded and explicated infallibly by the authority of the Catholic Church?

Well, once again, there is much that unites the lords of conciliarism, who blaspheme God by participating in the prayers false religions, and adherents of Talmud: a belief that the Old Covenant has never been abrogated and a common commitment to the Judeo-Masonic ethos of "separation of Church and State" and "religious liberty."

Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis, aping the words of his conciliar predecessors, must, of course, conflate opposition to Judaism with the hatred of Jews (anti-Semitism) as this makes it easier for him to justify doing or saying nothing that might be offensive to those whose spiritual ancestors persecuted the nascent Catholic Church and have ever found ways to attack Catholicism as the one and only foundation of personal and social order.

Indeed, the false "pontiff" was at it again on Friday, October 11, 2013, the Feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as addressed a delegation headed by the chief Talmudic rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni, on the seventieth anniversary of the deportation of the Jews of Rome by the Nazi occupiers:


(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Friday met with members of Rome’s Jewish community to mark the 70th anniversary of the deportation of the city’s Jewish population during the Nazi occupation. Among those present was the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Dr. Riccardo Di Segni, the President of the Jewish Community of Rome , Dr. Riccardo Pacifici, and the President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities , Dr. Renzo Gattegna.

Pope Francis began by expressing his closeness to Rome’s Jewish community, which is the oldest in Western Europe, having a continued presence in the city of over two thousand years.

“For many centuries…the Jewish community and the Church of Rome have lived in our city , with a history - as we well know - which was often transversed by misunderstandings and even true grievances,” Pope Francis said. “However, it is a story , that with the help of God , has for many decades experienced the development of friendly and fraternal relations.”

The Pope then turned to the occasion of the visit. The deportation of over one thousand Roman Jews on October 16, 1943, during the Nazi occupation of Rome. They were sent to Auschwitz, and only 16 ever returned to the homes.

“We will remember in a few days the 70th anniversary of the deportation of the Jews of Rome. We will remember and pray for the many innocent victims of human barbarity , for their families,” said Pope Francis.

“It will also be an opportunity to keep vigilant so that, under any pretext, any forms of intolerance and anti-Semitism in Rome and the rest of the world not come back to life,” the Holy Father said.

I've said it other times and I would like to repeat it now: It’s a contradiction that a Christian is anti-Semitic: His roots are Jewish,” said the Pope. “A Christian cannot be anti-Semitic ! Let Anti-Semitism be banished from the heart and life of every man and every woman!”

Pope Francis also said the anniversary offers a chance to remember how the Christian community responded during this “hour of darkness” to the needs of his brother in difficulty.

“We know how many religious institutions, monasteries and Papal Basilicas, interpreting the will of the Pope, opened their doors in a brotherly welcome, and how many ordinary Christians offered what help they could give, however big or small,” he said.

The vast majority were not aware of the need to update the Christian understanding of Judaism, and perhaps knew very little about the life of the Jewish community,” Pope Francis continued.

“But they had the courage to do what at that time was the right thing : to protect their brother, who was in danger. I would like to emphasize this aspect, because if it is true that it is important, on both sides, to study, in depth, theological reflections through dialogue, it is also true that there is a dialogue of life, that of everyday experience, which is no less important. Indeed, without this, without a real and concrete culture of encounter, which leads to authentic relationships, which exist without prejudice and suspicion, the engagement in the intellectual field would serve little purpose. Here also, as I often like to underline, the People of God has its own intuition and realizes the path God asks them to travel. In this case, the path of friendship, closeness and fraternity” the Pope said.

Pope Francis concluded by mentioning his friendship with the Jewish community of Buenos Aires, and recalling that Christians and Jews have the Decalogue in common, to be used as a solid foundation and source of life for society, “so disoriented by an extreme diversity of choices and positions, and marked by a relativism which does not have many firm or safe points of reference.” (Let anti-Semitism be banished from every heart.)


Our true popes protected the Jews of Rome over the centuries despite the many injustices done to Catholics in commerce and banking. This has all been erased from the conciliar "memory bank" in the name, perhaps, of "purification of memory."

Moreover, the likes of Adolf Hitler rose to power in Europe precisely because of the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic attacks on the Social Reign of Christ the King that produced the religiously indifferent, anti-Incarnation civil state of Modernity replete with all of its political, social, moral, legal and economic injustices. Catholics are not to blame for the actions or attitudes of Adolf Hitler. The Jews themselves help to make it possible for Hitler to come to power in Germany by over four centuries of attacks on the Social Reign of Christ the King and, more proximately, by financing the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia that Hitler, who was a socialist but not a Bolshevik, used to justify his own consolidation of power in Germany.

No such thought enters the mind of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who more or less paraphrased his predecessor's (Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI) December 22, 2005, Christmas address to the conciliar curia, by saying that there was a "need to update the Christian understanding of Judaism," which means, of course, that the very Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, misdirected the Fathers of true councils and our true popes as the following proclamations were made:


It [the Holy Roman Church] firmly believes, professes, and teaches that the matter pertaining to the law of the Old Testament, of the Mosaic law, which are divided into ceremonies, sacred rites, sacrifices, and sacraments, because they were established to signify something in the future, although they were suited to the divine worship at that time, after our Lord's coming had been signified by them, ceased, and the sacraments of the New Testament began; and that whoever, even after the passion, placed hope in these matters of the law and submitted himself to them as necessary for salvation, as if faith in Christ could not save without them, sinned mortally. Yet it does not deny that after the passion of Christ up to the promulgation of the Gospel they could have been observed until they were believed to be in no way necessary for salvation; but after the promulgation of the Gospel it asserts that they cannot be observed without the loss of eternal salvation. All, therefore, who after that time observe circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the law, it declares alien to the Christian faith and not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation, unless someday they recover from these errors. Therefore, it commands all who glory in the name of Christian, at whatever time, before or after baptism, to cease entirely from circumcision, since, whether or not one places hope in it, it cannot be observed at all without the loss of eternal salvation. Regarding children, indeed, because of danger of death, which can often take place, when no help can be brought to them by another remedy than through the sacrament of baptism, through which they are snatched from the domination of the Devil and adopted among the sons of God, it advises that holy baptism ought not to be deferred for forty or eighty days, or any time according to the observance of certain people, but it should be conferred as soon as it can be done conveniently, but so ,that, when danger of death is imminent, they be baptized in the form of the Church, early without delay, even by a layman or woman, if a priest should be lacking, just as is contained more fully in the decree of the Armenians. . . .

It firmly believes, professes, and proclaims that those not living within the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics cannot become participants in eternal life, but will depart "into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels" [Matt. 25:41], unless before the end of life the same have been added to the flock; and that the unity of the ecclesiastical body is so strong that only to those remaining in it are the sacraments of the Church of benefit for salvation, and do fastings, almsgiving, and other functions of piety and exercises of Christian service produce eternal reward, and that no one, whatever almsgiving he has practiced, even if he has shed blood for the name of Christ, can be saved, unless he has remained in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church. (Pope Eugene IV, Cantate Domino, Council of Florence, February 4, 1442

29.And first of all, by the death of our Redeemer, the New Testament took the place of the Old Law which had been abolished; then the Law of Christ together with its mysteries, enactments, institutions, and sacred rites was ratified for the whole world in the blood of Jesus Christ. For, while our Divine Savior was preaching in a restricted area -- He was not sent but to the sheep that were lost of the house of Israel [30] -the Law and the Gospel were together in force; [31] but on the gibbet of his death Jesus made void the Law with its decrees, [32] fastened the handwriting of the Old Testament to the Cross, [33] establishing the New Testament in His blood shed for the whole human race. [34] "To such an extent, then," says St. Leo the Great, speaking of the Cross of our Lord, "was there effected a transfer from the Law to the Gospel, from the Synagogue to the Church, from many sacrifices to one Victim, that, as our Lord expired, that mystical veil which shut off the innermost part of the temple and its sacred secret was rent violently from top to bottom." [35]

30. On the Cross then the Old Law died, soon to be buried and to be a bearer of death, [36] in order to give way to the New Testament of which Christ had chosen the Apostles as qualified ministers; [37] and although He had been constituted the Head of the whole human family in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, it is by the power of the Cross that our Savior exercises fully the office itself of Head in His Church. "For it was through His triumph on the Cross," according to the teaching of the Angelic and Common Doctor, "that He won power and dominion over the gentiles"; [38] by that same victory He increased the immense treasure of graces, which, as He reigns in glory in heaven, He lavishes continually on His mortal members it was by His blood shed on the Cross that God's anger was averted and that all the heavenly gifts, especially the spiritual graces of the New and Eternal Testament, could then flow from the fountains of our Savior for the salvation of men, of the faithful above all; it was on the tree of the Cross, finally, that He entered into possession of His Church, that is, of all the members of His Mystical Body; for they would not have been united to this Mystical Body. (Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis, June 29, 1943.)

Something that is false does not become true because apostates state the falsehood repeatedly.

Truth is immutable, and the truth of the matter is this: Judaism is a dead religion. It is hated by God and has the power to sanctify or save no one. It is up to Holy Mother Church to seek the conversion of all non-Catholics, including Jews, into her maternal bosom as she and she alone is the only means of salvation, which is why the greatest anti-Semites on the face of this earth are the conciliar authorities, including each of the conciliar "popes," have been and continue to be the enemies of the Jews as they do not seek with urgency their unconditional conversion to the Catholic Church.

For adherents of the Talmud such as Zion Evrony and Riccardo Di Segni, the only "safe" Catholic is a one who adheres to conciliarism, and men such as Jorge Mario Bergoglio, intent on putting the final touches on the One World Church of Ecumenism, are simply their errand boys to make sure that every Catholic is convinced that any opposition to Judaism in any form is anti-Semitic of its very nature.

The late Father Denis Fahey provided us with a very clear antidote to this sloganeering:

As I was not able to bring out this book when it was originally written, it has been laid aside for years. In the meantime, the need for setting forth the full doctrine of the Kingship of Christ has been forcibly brought home to me by the confusion created in minds owing to the use of the term “Anti-Semitism.” The Hitlerite naturalistic or anti-supernatural régime in Germany gave to the world the odious spectacle of a display of Anti-Semitism, that is, of hatred of the Jewish Nation. Yet all the propaganda about that display of Anti-Semitism should not have made Catholics forget the existence of age-long Jewish Naturalism or Anti-Supernaturalism. Forgetfulness of the disorder of Jewish Naturalistic opposition to Christ the King is keeping Catholics blind to the danger that is arising from the clever extension of the term “Anti-Semitism,” with all its war-connotation in the minds of the unthinking, to include any form of opposition to the Jewish Nation’s naturalistic aims. For the leaders of the Jewish Nation, to stand for the rights of Christ the King is logically to be “anti-Semitic.”

In March, 1917, Pope Benedict XV wrote to the Archbishop of Tours: “In the midst of the present upheavals, it is important to repeat to men that by her divine institution the Catholic Church is the only ark of salvation for the human race . . . . Accordingly, it is more seasonable than ever to teach . . . that the truth which liberates, not only individuals, but societies, is supernatural truth in all its fulness and in all its purity, without attenuation, diminution or compromise: in a word, exactly as Our Lord Jesus Christ delivered it to the world.” These sublime words of the Vicar of Christ have nerved me to do all in my power to set forth the opposition of every form of Naturalism, including Jewish Naturalism, to the supernatural Reign of Christ the King. In addition, for over twenty years I have been offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every year, on the Feasts of the Resurrection, Corpus Christi, SS. Peter and Paul and the Assumption of Our Blessed Mother, for the acceptance by the Jewish Nation of the Divine Plan for order. Thus I have been striving to follow the example of our Divine Master. Blessed Pius X insists that “though Jesus was kind to those who had gone astray, and to sinners, He did not respect their erroneous convictions, however sincere they appeared to be.”the need of combining firmness in the proclamation of the integral truth with loving charity towards those in error is insisted on, even more emphatically, by Pope Pius XI: “Comprehending and merciful charity towards the erring,” he writes, “and even towards the contemptuous, does not mean and can not mean that you renounce in any way the proclaiming of, the insisting on, and the courageous defence of the truth and its free and unhindered application to the realities about you. The first and obvious duty the priest owes to the world about him is service to the truth, the whole truth, the unmasking and refutation of error in whatever form or disguise it conceals itself.”

A day will come when the Jewish Nation will cease to oppose order and will turn in sorrow and repentance to Him Whom they rejected before Pilate. That will be a glorious triumph for the Immaculate Heart of Our Blessed Mother. Until that day dawns, however, their naturalistic opposition to the True Supernatural Order of the world must be exposed and combated. (Father Denis Fahey, Foreword, The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation.)

This not how the conciliarists speak because it is not what they believe. They believe in apostate notions that are contrary to Divine Revelation and have been condemned repeatedly by Holy Mother Church.

God hates all false religions. He loathes them. He wants them eradicated from the face of this earth as their adherents are converted to the true Faith.

The Catholic Church, ever faithful to Him as she is guided by Him infallibly, must hate what he hates: sin and error and falsehood. This is not an option for a Catholic.

We must hate sin in our own lives. We must seek to root it out as we cooperate with the graces won for us by Our Lord on the wood of the Holy Cross that flow into our hearts and souls through the loving hands of Our Lady, the Mediatrix of All Graces.

We must hate the spread of sin in the world under cover of the civil law and in the midst of popular culture. We must make no conscious compromise with error or falsehood.

We must be earnest about planting seeds for the conversion of all non-Catholics to the true Faith, outside of which there is no salvation and without with there can be no true social order.

This is, of course, a chastisement for our sins, for our own infidelities, for our own lukewarmness, for our own lack of steadfastness in prayer, especially to the Mother of God, who is blasphemed by the notion that she smiles favorably upon the "renewal" wrought by the "Second" Vatican Council and the magisterium of he conciliar "popes," and no show of purported devotion to Our Lady's Fatima Message today by Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis can in any way please her as he smashes to smithereens the the remaining vestiges of Catholicism in the conciliar church to rally the forces of Antichrist together into the One World Ecumenical Church.

We need to pray many Rosaries of reparation now that these additional offenses have been given to God the false "pontiff." We need, therefore, to make much reparation for these sins as we seek always to make reparation for our own sins as we entrust to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary the need of the present moment, praying as many Rosaries each day as our state in life permits.

We must, of course, continue to remember that this is the time that God has appointed from all eternity for us to be alive. He has work for us to do. Let us do this work with courage and valor as we never count the cost of being humiliated for the sake of defending the integrity of Faith, as we never cease our prayers for the conversion of all people, including those who adhere to all false religions, including those who adhere to the Talmud, for the conversion of the conciliar revolutionaries, to the true Church, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there can be no true social order.

Viva Cristo Rey! Vivat Christus Rex!

Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon!


Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

Saint Edward the Confessor, pray for us.

© Copyright 2013, Thomas A. Droleskey. All rights reserved.