Thomas A. Droleskey
Although Tarcisio "Cardinal" Bertone, the conciliar Vatican's Secretary of State and one of the three chief conspirators in the deconstruction of Our Lady's Fatima Message (Bertone's predecessor, Angelo "Cardinal" Sodano, and Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI are the other two conspirators), has admitted publicly in Chile yesteday, Tuesday, April 13, 2010, that the problem of clerical abuse that is racking the counterfeit church of conciliarism may have its roots in the inclination of some conciliar priests and presbyters to commit acts in violation of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments, his remarks, which have caused a firestorm of outrage amongst committed practitioners such perversity in Italy, were not published in L'Osservatore Romano, the semi-official newspaper of the Vatican.
Mind you, Bertone's remarks are a far, far cry from an open admission that it indeed has been the case that conciliar "bishops" and religious communities have systematically recruited and protected these perverts. Bertone's remarks are also a far cry from acknowledging that the conciliar "popes" have appointed men as "bishops" whose homosexual tendencies had been very well demonstrated without a care in the world about that fact and without admitting that men so "inclined" are unfit for priestly orders, no less for what purports to be the "episcopate" of the Catholic Church.
Even Bertone's rather mild off-the-cuff speculation about the connection between sodomites and clerical abuse was not deemed fit to report in L'Osservatore Romano, whose editors have in the past few years published articles praising The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Harry Potter, Oscar Wilde, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Karl Marx, John Darwin, and Barack Hussein Obama. Talk about a "reconciliation with the principles of the new era inaugurated in 1789"! L'Osservatore Romano has been leading the way toward the sort of "reconciliation" with the devil himself that the late Father Hans Urs von Balthasar, a chief mentor of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, said, quite blasphemously and heretically, of course, would occur with Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ at the end of time.
Not content with the praise that has been given to the nefarious "Beatles" in the past seventeen months, the editors of L'Osservatore Romano, men who seem stuck in a period of "arrested development" in the 1960s, once again have published an article praising the foursome who did so much damage to so many hundreds of millions of people, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, worldwide by means of their rebellion against authority, their knowledge of music to convey the most diabolical of messages, their lifestyles of open immorality, including their popularization of the mind-altering, mind-numbing drug that is marijuana, and their frequent blasphemies uttered against Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself. Why did the morons, nincompoops, and mad men at L'Osservatore Romano publish this new article about The Beatles? Simple. To "forgive" them for their use of Satanic messages! Dear Lord and Saviour, come quickly, please!
At a time when they surely have bigger things to think about, the Vatican's official newspaper has published a glowing appraisal of the Beatles, calling their music "beautiful" and dismissing their years of drug use and excessive living. On the front page of the L'Osservatore Romano, the paper admits that the band once "said they were bigger than Jesus and put out mysterious messages, that were possibly even Satanic", but also asks: "what would pop music have been like without the Beatles?"
The article comes four decades after John Lennon enraged the Catholic church by saying the Beatles were "more popular than Jesus" and suggesting that Christianity was a dying institution. The newspaper eventually offered its forgiveness for these comments in a 2008 article, when it ascribed Lennon's remarks to "showing off, bragging by a young English working-class musician who had grown up in the age of Elvis Presley and rock and roll and had enjoyed unexpected success". The 2008 piece, which praised the White Album for remaining a "magical musical anthology", came shortly after the appointment of Giovanni Maria Vian as new editor. The paper has since taken to publishing articles on entertainment and the arts, as well as traditional news about the Pope's activities.
The timing of its latest effusive piece on the Beatles coincides with mounting focus on the Vatican's response to claims of institutional sexual abuse within the Catholic church. The latest edition of L'Osservatore Romano acknowledged the controversy by saying there was international "support for the Pope". (Vatican forgives Beatles for 'Satanic' messages.)
Get over it, Gian Maria Vian, the sixties are over. The Twentieth Century is over. Like other revolutionaries (the Protestant revolutionaries, the French revolutionaries, the Bolshevik revolutionaries, the Masonic revolutionaries in Spain, Italy, and Mexico, etc.) in the past whose evils have long outlived them, the evils promoted by The Beatles have helped to ruin several successive generations of adolescents around the world. Many millions of aging "rockers" from my own generation still smoke their "dope" and pollute their souls by dulling their senses and their rational faculties, inclining themselves to live lives of morbid self-absorption, self-indulgence and excess of every sort imaginable as a result. Asking what "pop music" would have been like without the Beatles is like asking what the state of the world would have been without Martin Luther and his Protestant Revolution. The answer is simple: a whole lot better than what it is now.
Obviously, the cultural and social and moral revolutions ushered in by the Beatles have occurred. They are a matter of fact. There is no wishing them away. Nor is there any wishing away the fundamentally ground-breaking role that the Beatles played in these social and cultural and moral revolutions. The members of the Beatles, both living and deceased, bear direct, personal responsibility for the moral sewage that they helped to "mainstream" as a part of popular culture around the world. These are not minor matters. Souls have been influenced adversely by the Beatles and their "beautiful music." Sins have been committed as a result of this "beautiful music." People have lost the Holy Faith a a result of this "beautiful music.
Once again, you see, we are face to face with the loss of the sense of the horror of personal sin that is one of the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo service's chief "contribution" to the devastation of the life of the Faith in the souls of so many Catholics who are of yet attached to the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. It is relatively easy to lose sight of the horror of personal sin when the supposed "pope" violates the First and Second Commandments by esteeming the symbols of false religions and heaping effusive praise about the "values" possessed by these sects that belong to the devil. The acceptance of sins against the honor and glory and majesty of God have made it more possible merged for the social, moral and cultural revolutions of the 1960s to produce "Catholics" who have no sense of the horror of personal sin, no sense of the Virtue of Modesty and thus no sense of the horror and outrage at the evils represented by "rock music" and other refuges of the devil in popular culture.
As I have several times in the past on this site, let me turn to my former colleague, Mr. Michael Matt, the publisher-editor of the anti-sedevacantist The Remnant, for an explanation, found in his Gods of Wasteland, of the particularly evil nature of the "music" of The Beatles:
Music has proven to be a most dominant influence over the physical and mental health of human beings. It has been use by tyrants and it has been used by statesmen and kings--is power is very real. Martin Luther used it against the Catholic Church in his Protestant Revolution, an even the heresiarch Arius used his famous "Book of Song" way back in the fourth century to spread the Arian Heresy across most of the known world in record time. Hitler used it, especially marching music and patriotic anthems within the Hitler Youth Movement. The French Revolutionaries used it, as did the Americans in 1776. And men and women who harbor no love for Christianity use rock music today in yet another revolution--the Cultural Revolution.
Only a fool says, "Music can't hurt me" or "Music doesn't affect me." Consider companies such as Coca-Cola, Nike, McDonald's, IBM, or Microsoft--have you ever seen an advertisement on TV for any one of these companies which was not accompanied by music (most often rock music)? Big business and world marketers know the influence music has on the consumer/viewer. What's more, they also are aware of the lasting impression an audio stimulus can leave on the mind--in some cases being more unforgettable than a visual image.
Have you ever had some melody on your mind that you just can't get out of your head? I'll bet you never had a movie stick to you like that. Right? This is because the message that is transmitted to the mind through the medium of music has a greater effect and leaves a longer-lasting impression than any other stimuli. For, in effect, your brain--your imagination--processed that sound directly into your consciousness.
After minimal study of musicology, few people will dispute that music has an almost super-human influence over us all. Yet, how often do we listen to rock music (or do we let our children listen to it) and keep telling ourselves that it's "just music," and that its message of immorality and Kantian encouragement to do whatever "feels good" will have no effect on our lives as Christians?
When we say, "Music can't really affect us," we betray our own poor understanding of musicology . . . . and that is all. The Egyptians would never have proffered such an ignorant statement, nor would the ancient Greeks or the Romans, nor the sales consultants for Nike, Microsoft, or MTV. The fact is that the Catholic Church, the pro-life movement, the NFL, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Civil Rights Movement, the homosexual activist lobby, the NBA, the Communists, big business, etc., know perfectly well what music is capable of. So why do so many Christians deny that rock music could be a significant problem?
The "new creed" that is being taught to a fourth grader, for example, through rock music today is something he will never forget and may never overcome. I repeat--don't every say, "It's just music; it can't hurt me." Rock music hurts children in your society; therefore it hurts the future of your society and thus your own children. It hurts you, all right. . . . It's just a question of when and how much. . . .
The "British Invasion" is generally considered to have begun in earnest in 1964. It featured the rise to unprecedented pop culture fame in America of some of the most influential rock bands from the United Kingdom--spearheaded, of course, by the Beatles. 1960s British "rock n' roll" was to become a global phenomenon of staggering impact on America teenagers. . . . You just had to be a part of it, "man," if you didn't want to be regarded as totally "unhip." When the Beatles landed, millions of America's teens found their lives literally changed forever.
To a lesser extent, several UK bands had considerable success on the American rock music charts, though many of them didn't survive the test of time as well as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. These bands has names such as the Dave Clark Five, the Searches, Peter and Gordon, the Animals, Chad Stuart, Jeremy Clyde, and the Nashville Teens.
Constantly working on their image of hidden imagery (i.e., the much publicized "Paul is Dead" games) and cult references, the Beatles were the quintessential "rock n' roll band. Drugs, [impurity of conduct], revolution were the message, and rock n' roll was the game. Being more subtle than many rock bands, the Beatles were also more talented musically, and, thus, more effective. Their nihilism was packaged in catchy lyrics, encrypted poetry, quick, upbeat tunes, and a message that consisted of thinly veiled Socialism and plenty of outright hedonism. Songs such as "Eleanor Rigby"--so defeatist, so cutting and demoralizing--were literally memorize by millions, and became worldwide hits for the Beatles. Pay careful attention to the last line of the following lyrics; it's a cynical mock of the Christian teaching on the salvation of the soul and the part the Catholic priesthood plays in that process:
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door
Who is it for?
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from ?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong ?
Father McKenzie writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear
No one comes near.
Look at him working. darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there
What does he care?
All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?
Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father Mckenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave
No one was saved
The Beatles were not innocent. They were revolutionaries who experienced global success in the war against Christianity and the spread of the drug culture. (Michael Matt,
Gods of Wasteland, pp. 40-41; 53-55.)
This is not a "minor" matter. It should not be a "minor" matter that children of prominent families in traditional Catholic venues are permitted to play "rock music" loudly on their car radios on church property. Sadly, however, there are some priests in fully traditional venues who may not like "rock music" for aesthetic reasons but who reject its inherently evil, revolutionary nature and look the other as their favorite parish sons do as they wish. This makes it all the more difficult for parents who do understand the inherent evils of "rock music" to teach their own children to withstand the evils of the culture. How is it possible for any true priest who makes no concessions at all to conciliarism to be silent about this evil and not to warn his parishioners that it is a Mortal Sin to listen volitionally to "rock music" of any type? Silence about this evil serves the interests of the devil, not the honor and glory of God and the eternal good of souls, and pastors of souls would be well-advised to consider what Saint John Mary Vianney and Padre Pio would do in our circumstances today, namely, to insist that Catholics not only not listen to "rock music" but to destroy any and all records, tapes, compact discs or videos in their possession containing this diabolical "art" form. This is not Jansenism. This is Catholicism.
Obviously, it is infinitely more difficult for a parent who is attached to the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism to convince his children not to listen to any kind of "rock" "music," including that of the Beatles and/or The Rolling Stones, when the semi-official newspaper of the Vatican, now in conciliar captivity, endorses this rot from Hell. The counterfeit church of conciliarism has used "rock music" in its liturgies, including at "Papal" "Masses," especially those for World Youth Day. L'Osservatore Romano's praise of the Beatles just demonstrates yet again that the errors of Modernity have found quite a home in the nooks and crannies of the Modernists who run the counterfeit church of conciliarism.
L'Osservatore Romano's warm and nostalgic embrace of the Beatles and, in the past, the Rolling Stones , however, coincides with Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II's and Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's embrace of much of Modernity, including the religiously indifferentist civil state. The more one accommodates himself to yesterday's evils (Protestantism, religious indifferentism, the existence of religiously indifferentist public "school," "religious liberty," divorce, contraception, abortion, the promotion of perversity under cover of law and abroad in the midst of popular culture, "rock music," indecency of speech and immodesty of dress) ) will be the more that one accepts these evils as accepted "norms," about which it is "impossible" to do anything than to give a shrug of the shoulder and/or to revel in as part of our being "modern men."
Chastisements abound even as we engage in Easter rejoicing. Suffice it to say for the present moment, however, that we must serve God through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, seeing in all of the chastisements that afflict us at this time the work of His loving hand to help us reform our own lives as we attempt to make acts of reparation for our sins and those of the whole world, praying as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit.
The difficulties of the present moment, many though they might seem to us now, will pass. Each of those difficulties is a means for us to glorify God as we lift high the Cross in our daily lives with gratitude. God has seen to it from all eternity to place us alive in these challenging times, which means that there is work for us to do that no one else can do, work to help plant a few seeds as the totally consecrated slaves of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary that may, please God and by the graces He sends through the loving hands of Our Lady as the Mediatrix of All Graces, result sooner rather than later in the restoration of the Church Militant on earth and the restoration of Christendom in the world.
And in the meantime, those of you still stuck in the "arrested development" of the sixties, throw out your Beatles' records and other memorabilia. You're not going to find any of those in Heaven.
Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!
Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?
Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon!
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Saint Justin Martyr, pray for us.
Saints Tiburtius, Valerian and Maximus, pray for us.
See also: A Litany of Saints