Father Ramolla to Bishop Dolan
[Publisher's note: The dramatically degenerating nature of events at Saint Gertrude the Great Church are spinning out of control. Bishop Dolan and Father Cekada continue to refuse to accept any responsibility for their decades long pattern of treating parishioners who have brought them their heartfelt concerns in exactly the same manner as the Novus Ordo thug "bishops" treated their own sheep. I am very sorry to have recommended Saint Gertrude the Great Church as a Mass site and I, of course, deplore Bishop Dolan's and Father Cekada's refusal to treat the sheep with true pastoral care. Here is Father Markus Ramolla's latest letter to Bishop Dolan, written in response to a letter sent via e-mail by Bishop Donald Sanborn to various parishioners of Saint Gertrude's.]
My dear Bishop Dolan:
In charity and justice I am obliged to remind you that since the onset of this dire affair, the solution has always been in your hands. At any time over the last six to twelve months, you could have stopped the increasingly bitter strife by simply doing the right thing. On occasions too numerous to count, many parishioners, both current and former, warned you about the consequences of refusing to act swiftly and decisively. You will recall that just weeks before you fired me, I begged you in a private conversation to correct the grave wrongs at the school in order to forestall the certain ruination of St. Gertrude's. To your everlasting discredit, you willfully ignored the touch of the better angels of your nature. Likewise you hardened your heart and turned a deaf ear to the chorus of anxious voices pleading for justice and the restoration of harmony.
You must understand, Your Excellency, that even now in these hideous days of shattered peace and wavering faith, you and you alone still have it within your means to put an end to this shameful episode in our church's history. By an act of sacrifice, heretofore alien to your nature, it is still in your power to grasp St. Gertrude the Great Church by her trembling hand and rescue her from the dizzying precipice of destruction.
On Sunday, along with hundreds of traditional Catholics across Ohio and scores of parishioners, I will offer a humble prayer for your conversion and the subsequent deliverance of St. Gertrude the Great Church.
In the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
The Rev. Markus Ramolla