come, my dear More, this is not Spain. This is England"
Thomas A. Droleskey
attorney George Felos, who has been working feverishly with Mrs. Terri
Schindler-Schiavo's faithless husband Michael to bring her to the point
of her impending death by starvation and dehydration, said the following
after the United States Supreme Court refused to grant judicial relief
to Terri's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schindler:
should become obvious to everyone and every observer that the entire
judicial system of the United States, the state courts in the state
of Florida, the entire federal judiciary, has said, this case must end,
this case is over." Mrs. Schiavo's legal rights have been ruled
on again and again and again. The courts have consistently found that
she did not want to remain alive artificially. Her wishes should be
carried out. And in that spirit, I hope that the parents do not keep
pursing fruitless legal options to the end. I think their time would
be better served in reflection.
This is a
summary of all that is wrong with Modernity, born as it was in a rejection
of belief in the Incarnation as essential to the right ordering of men
and their civil societies. The revolutionary path to George Felos, although
rooted in man's fallen human nature and his tendency to sin, runs from
certain aspects of the Renaissance (especially Niccolo Machiavelli)
through Martin Luther and John Calvin and Henry VIII and Thomas Cranmer
and Elizabeth I to the so-called Enlightenment (John Locke, Jean Jacques-Rousseau,
David Hume, et al.)and the rise of Freemasonry. The path continued
from there to the American and French Revolutions, spreading rapidly
to attack the true Faith throughout Latin America in the early Nineteenth
Century, continuing to wreak its savage force in once Catholic Europe,
especially in the attack upon the Papal States by the Freemasons in
Italy and Otto von Bismarck's Kulturkampf against the Catholic
Church in Germany following the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871.
From such disparate but related spirits as John Dewey and Nietzsche
and Karl Marx and Auguste Comte and Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud
and V. I. Lenin sprang trends of belief and practice that meant to deify
man and to make war upon every aspect of the Deposit of Faith Our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ entrusted to His true Church. This is hardly
an exhaustive review of the complex, inter-related forces that were
let loose in the world following the overthrow of the Social Reign of
Christ the King as one of the directly willed consequences of Martin
Luther's Protestant Revolt. However, the path to George Felos is a long
and bloody one that has one common connecting bridge: a hatred of the
Catholic Church in particular and of any and all reference to the Holy
Name of the Divine Redeemer in general.
George Felos
is not an anomaly of the American system of government. He is a product
of it. Bad ideas lead to bad consequences. The belief that social order
could be established and maintained absent a frank and confessional
recognition of the Social Reign of Christ the King as it must be exercised
by the Catholic Church was and remains a bad, heretical idea. The belief
that men could pursue the pagan Roman concept of civic virtue on their
own without belief in, access to and cooperation with sanctifying grace
was and remains delusional. It is not possible to restrain man's tendency
to abuse the reins of civil governance absent a recognition of the fact
that there are binding precepts that exist in the nature of things and
have been revealed positively by God Himself and that the true Church
has the right, principally through her Indirect Power of preaching her
immutable Social Teaching, to interpose herself when civil rulers transgress
God's law and thus disorder the commonwealth. It is not possible for
individual men to restrain themselves from the pursuit of vice--and
of thus reducing everything in life to the level of relativist sentimentality
and emotionalism--without seeking to scale the heights of sanctity by
cooperating with the graces won for us by the shedding of Our Lord's
Most Precious Blood on this very day, Good Friday. Oh, yes, no matter
the "good intentions" of those who thought that they could
guarantee "personal liberty" while maintaining social order
in a Constitution that nowhere mentions God or the rights of His Holy
Church, the events of 1776 and 1787 lead inevitably and inexorably to
George Greer and George Felos.
Many people
who are sincerely concerned about Mrs. Terri Schindler-Schiavo, who
may indeed die on this Good Friday today, are rightly concerned about
the more recent events that have brought us to the point of an innocent
woman's being starved and dehydrated to death under cover of law. However,
most of these people do not understand the root causes of our problems
and that there is no secular or religiously indifferentist way to resolve
them. Many of the Catholics who are standing by Mrs. Schiavo's side
in Pinellas Park, Florida, outside of Woodspice Hospice, which has become
a simile for Golgotha (Mount Calvary) itself, do not understand the
true root causes of our problems because the Church in her human elements
has abandoned the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King.
Indeed, the Church in her human elements has sunk so low that the man
who should be standing by the side of one of his innocent lambs as she
is being slaughtered keeps a steadfast and stony silence, calling only
for "mediation" between Michael Schiavo and the Schindlers.
No wonder that many good Catholics are seeking "leadership"
from people (Protestant "ministers," conservative talk show
hosts) who are themselves absolutely clueless about the root causes
of the problems of Modernity despite their recognizing the specific
evils that are being visited upon Mrs. Schiavo and her loving, suffering
parents, Robert and Mary Schindler. No one is teaching Catholics about
the necessity of Catholicizing the world and that the world is in the
mess that it is in precisely because of the overthrow of Catholicism.
I had noted
in an earlier commentary that we are witnessing today the exact situation
that faced the German people when Adolf Hitler enacted the Third Reich's
Euthanasia Laws in 1939. Many civil officials who knew those laws were
wrong simply shrugged their shoulders, believing that they could not
jeopardize their careers and run the risk of imprisonment and execution
themselves for violating "the rule of law." These officials
were not monsters. They were simply cowards who were willing to throw
up their hands and to excuse themselves about the supposed impossibility
of their being able to change laws that they regretted but could do
nothing to change and thus were duty bound to enforce. It is no different--and
I mean no different--in our own country today. The killing of people
in hospitals as a matter of routine practice is a reality. If you doubt
my word, I urge to to review an excellent and informative article, "Are
You Being Targeted for Euthanasia?", written by Miss Mary Therese
Helmueller, R.N., that had appeared first in Homiletic and Pastoral
Review and has been posted online at www.catholictradition.org/targeted.htm.
What has been happening to Mrs. Schiavo for the past decade as her faithless
husband, who is in a bigamous "common-law" marriage with a
woman by whom he has fathered two children in the past ten years, has
sought to use the legal machinery of this country to killer is, not
unique. As I have noted repeatedly in my commentaries on this tragedy,
the only reason that Mrs. Schiavo's case has made headlines is that
she has parents and siblings who want her to live.
Our civil
officials shrug their shoulders and excuse themselves by saying that
there is "nothing more" for them to do. The judges have ruled.
It is too bad that they have ruled as they have. However, there is nothing
more for us to do. That's essentially what President George W. Bush
and Governor Jeb Bush are saying right now. Consider what Pope John
Paul II had to say about this kind of excuse-making in his 1984 Apostolic
Exhortation, Reconciliatio et Paenetentiae:
the church speaks of situations of sin or when the condemns as social
sins certain situations or the collective behavior of certain social
groups, big or small, or even of whole nations and blocs of nations,
she knows and she proclaims that such cases of social sin are the result
of the accumulation and concentration of many personal sins. It is a
case of the very personal sins of those who cause or support evil or
who exploit it; of those who are in a position to avoid, eliminate or
at least limit certain social evils but who fail to do so out of laziness,
fear or the conspiracy of silence, through secret complicity or indifference;
of those who take refuge in the supposed impossibility of changing the
world and also of those who sidestep the effort and sacrifice required,
producing specious reasons of higher order. The real responsibility,
then, lies with individuals.
"It is a case
of the very personal sins of those who cause or support evil or who
exploit it; of those who are in a position to avoid, eliminate or at
least limit certain social evils but who fail to do so out of laziness,
fear or the conspiracy of silence, through secret complicity or indifference;
of those who take refuge in the supposed impossibility of changing the
world and also of those who sidestep the effort and the sacrifice required,
producing specious reasons of higher order." Indeed. This one sentence
can be used to describe why those in civil authority in Nazi Germany
enforced laws that they knew were wrong. This one sentence can be used
to describe why those in civil authority in the Soviet Union never asked
any questions about what the commissars ordered. This one sentence can
be used to describe why those in civil authority today in Red China
and Cuba and Vietnam and North Korea continue to enforce laws that require
them to imprison and/or eliminate those people deemed to "useless"
or the "unwanted" or the politically undesirable. Joseph Kung,
the President of the Cardinal Kung Foundation, is demanding a full accounting
of the status and whereabouts of the bishops and priests of the true
Church in Red China who have been arrested by the communist authorities
there. And this one sentence can be used to describe why those in civil
authority here in the United States are afraid to take real political
risks to confront the evils being done under cover of law, including
what is happening at this very moment on the morning of Good Friday
to Terri Schindler-Schiavo.
A man in a
barber shop in California yesterday recoiled in horror when I compared
what is happening in the United States to what happened in Nazi Germany
and the Soviet Union--and to what is happening in regimes around the
world at this present time. "This is America," the man bellowed.
"America, do you hear me?" his voice getting louder. "America!
We don't do anything wrong. We have our freedoms. Don't compare us to
any bad countries. We are good. Good, good, good." Everyone in
the barber shop agreed with the man, including a barber who said, "I
don't want to hear any of this stuff." Ah, yes, "freedom"
is wonderful.
This incident
called to mind a scene in A Man for All Seasons during one
of the interrogations of Sir Thomas More by his successor as Chancellor
of the Realm, Thomas Cromwell. When More, played by Paul Scofield, hinted
that Cromwell, played by Leo Kearns, might use less subtle methods of
intimidation, Cromwell replied (and this is a paraphrase), "Come,
come, my dear More. This is not Spain. This is England."
Yes, "civilized"
England could not be compared to the Spain of the Inquisition in Cromwell's
mind. In actual truth, however, over 72,000 Catholics who remained faithful
to Rome when King Henry VIII had himself declared Supreme Head of the
Church in England were killed between 1534 and the tyrant's death in
1547, a little over three percent of the population of England at that
time. "Civilized" England could not compare itself to "brutal"
Spain while it was systematically rooting out anyone who would not sell
out their baptismal birthright as Roman Catholics to save their lives
and their property. The killing of over 72,000 people, the seizure of
the monastery and convent land and the other discriminatory measures
imposed upon Roman Catholics in the wake of the English Protestant Revolt
was all done quite legally, thank you. Judges sentenced Catholics to
death quite routinely. The England of the Anglican Church just went
about its business as though anyone who resisted the new order of things
was an unpatriotic extremist.
The parallels between
then and now are striking. What is going on now is, as was noted earlier,
a direct result of the consequences of what happened then. Law was misused
in "civilized England in the Sixteenth Century. Law is being misused
in the "land of the free and the home of the brave" five centuries
later. People spoke about loyalty to the king then, they speak about
the demigod of states' rights and the "rule of law" and a
person's "right to die" today, forgetting that Christ the
King has rights that must be recognized by all governments and that
He has entrusted to His true Church the entirety of the Deposit of Faith
to safeguard and to explicate to everyone in the world, including those
who hold the reins of civil governance. Consider the words of Pope Pius
XI in Quas Primas, issued in 1925:
will be reminded by the annual celebration of this feast [of Christ
the King] that not only private individuals but also rulers and princes
are bound to give public honor and obedience to Christ. It will call
to their minds the thought of the last judgment, wherein Christ, who
has been cast out of public life, despised, neglected and ignored, will
most severely avenge these insults; for his kingly dignity demands that
the State should take account of the commandments of God and of Christian
principles, both in making laws and in administering justice, and also
in providing for the young a sound moral education.
The faithful, moreover, by meditating upon these truths, will gain much
strength and courage, enabling them to form their lives after the true
Christian ideal. If to Christ our Lord is given all power in heaven
and on earth; if all men, purchased by his precious blood, are by a
new right subjected to his dominion; if this power embraces all men,
it must be clear that not one of our faculties is exempt from his empire.
He must reign in our minds, which should assent with perfect submission
and firm belief to revealed truths and to the doctrines of Christ. He
must reign in our wills, which should obey the laws and precepts of
God. He must reign in our hearts, which should spurn natural desires
and love God above all things, and cleave to him alone. He must reign
in our bodies and in our members, which should serve as instruments
for the interior sanctification of our souls, or to use the words of
the Apostle Paul, as instruments of justice unto God. If all these truths
are presented to the faithful for their consideration, they will prove
a powerful incentive to perfection. It is Our fervent desire, Venerable
Brethren, that those who are without the fold may seek after and accept
the sweet yoke of Christ, and that we, who by the mercy of God are of
the household of the faith, may bear that yoke, not as a burden but
with joy, with love, with devotion; that having lived our lives in accordance
with the laws of God's kingdom, we may receive full measure of good
fruit, and counted by Christ good and faithful servants, we may be rendered
partakers of eternal bliss and glory with him in his heavenly kingdom.
The Incarnation
matters. The Sacrifice of the Cross Our Lord offered to the Father in
Spirit and in Truth on this very day, Good Friday, matters. Membership
in the true Church matters. Submission to the teaching entrusted to
her by her Divine Bridegroom matters. The tragic case of Terri Schindler-Schiavo
is thus not about her "desires," which if ever expressed at
all are irrelevant to the objectively immoral act of withdrawing food
and water, but about fidelity to the totality of the Deposit of Faith
Our Lord has entrusted to His true Church, including the Social Reign
of Christ the King. It is that simple. Deny (or denigrate the importance
of) the Incarnation and deny or overthrow the Social Reign of Christ
the King and one arrives inevitably at this particular point and time
with all of its multifaceted and inter-related evils.
This date,
March 25, is the day upon which the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity
became Flesh in Our Lady's virginal and immaculate womb by the power
of the Holy Ghost. All of human history is meant to be changed forever
by the fact of the Incarnation, which was meant to lead the Word Who
was made Flesh and dwelt amongst us to die for us on this very date,
March 25, on the wood of the Holy Cross. The Flesh that hung on the
Cross came from Our Lady's flesh. The Most Precious Blood that was shed
for the forgiveness of our sins and for the sins of the many came from
Our Lady's blood. The Sacred Heart that was pierced by the centurion's
lance had been formed out of Our Lady's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart,
which was pierced on this very date by the sword of sorrow that the
aged Simeon had prophesied at her Purification. Men and nations who
ignore these central facts of human existence are doomed to misery and
extinction, both temporally and eternally.
As a Catholic citizen
of the United States I want what is best for my country. What is best
for my country is her Catholicization, that is, the subordination of
everything in her national life to the standard of the Holy Cross as
It is lifted high by Holy Mother Church. This country is headed for
annihilation if it persists in ignoring the truths Our Lord has entrusted
to His true Church. Consider this brief excerpt from Father A. J. O'Reilly's
The Martyrs of the Coliseum:
Romans were indulging in every excess, and thought of nothing but the
amusements of the Circus and the Coliseum. Their apathy and blindness
to the terrible ruin which threatened them was the first sign of the
fate that decreed their fall. The haughty Senate and patricians pretended
to smile at the audacity of a barbarian king coming to attack their
city. They looked at their arches of triumph, the trophies of victory
beyond number that met their gaze on every side, the temples of so many
gods, and of heroes and emperors deified for their deeds in arms; and
with complacent pride they scorned the idea of their becoming a prey
to a barbarian. How should she tremble, amid so many pledges of dominion,
whose walls, cemented with the gore of so many captive victims, were
sufficiently guarded by the terrors of the Roman name, and by the dreadful
shades of so many conquerors? But their arrogance was soon humbled by
misfortune. Whilst they were yet reclining in their tricliniums, the
hands of Alaric, impatient for the moment of assault, came bursting
through the marble halls and pleasure-grounds of her suburban villas,
and rushed and thundered onwards over every opposition, until they broke
like a deluge of blood and confusion against her gates.
The Crucifix
will be unveiled during the Mass of the Presanctified this afternoon.
Ecce Lignum Crucis in Quo Salus Mundi Pependit: Behold the
wood of the Cross, upon which hangs the Saviour of the World. We must
pray to Our Lady, who stood so valiantly by the wood of the Holy Cross
on this exact date 1972 years ago, to help us lift high the Cross in
the midst of our own country, offering all that we do and endure to
her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart as her consecrated slaves so that
some pope will indeed properly consecrate Russia and that our country
and the whole world will be converted to Catholicism and that the glories
of Tradition, starting with the Mass of the ages, will be restored in
Holy Mother Church. With the Mass of Tradition restored and with men
and nations converted to the true Church there will be no further talk
of activist judges or timid executive. There will only be a professed,
public allegiance to Christ the King and to Mary our Immaculate Queen.
Our Lady of
Sorrows, pray for us.
Saint Joseph,
Patron of the dying, pray for Theresa Schindler-Schiavo.
Saint Michael
the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness
and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou,
O Prince of the Heavenly host, cast into Hell Satan and the all the
evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Cor Jesu Sacratissimum,
miserere nobis.
Cor Jesu Sacratissimum,
miserere nobis.
Cor Jesu Sacratissimum,
miserere nobis.
August Queen of Heaven,
Sovereign Mistress of the Angels, thou who from the beginning hast received
from God the power and the mission to crush the head of Satan, we humbly
implore thee to send thy Holy Legions, so that under thy command and
by thy power they may drive the devils away, everywhere fight them,
subduing their boldness, and thrust them down into the abyss. Who is
like unto God. O good and tender Mother, thou willst always be our love
and our hope. O Divine Mother send they Holy Angels to defend me and
to drive far away from me the cruel enemy. Holy Angels and Archangels,
defend and keep us. Amen.