We must accept the will of God without complaint and without reservation at all times in our lives. God is all merciful to us erring sinners. He was very merciful to me in life.
Such is the case now after I was warned in an e-mail sent to my little-accessed Juno e-mail account on October 7, 2011, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, but not read until the afternoon of October 8, 2011, the Feast of Saint Bridget of Sweden, from a person who said that he had been "employed" to "terminate" me. That will get your attention in a hurry.
Dear readers, it is a great grace sent to me by God through the loving hands of His Most Blessed Mother, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces, to be given advance warning that had been hired to "terminate" me.
This is the e-mail that found its way into the "junk" file of my Juno-mail account that I accessed yesterday afternoon, July 8, 2011:
This is what I wrote to him in response after making a General Confession of my sins to Father Markus Ramolla soon after receiving this death threat, which, of course, one should take seriously as it might prove to be deadly accurate:
Dear brother-in-Christ,
I rarely check the Juno e-mail account, and I usually delete junk mail without looking at it.
As your note was sent on the evening of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, I entrust
myself her maternal protection at this time as I send this reply to you.
There is, of course, no way of knowing that I am not being set up for my own execution.
All I can at this time is to ask you what you want me to do.
I do thank you for having taken pity on me thus far. I will be
praying that the all loving, all knowing, all merciful God will have
mercy on both of our immortal souls.
Awaiting further instructions, I am,
Sincerely yours in Christ the King and Mary our Immaculate Queen,
Thomas A. Droleskey
It is a great grace to be warned about one's impending death. It is no accident that this death threat was made on the Feast of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary. She saw to it that I, a most terrible sinner, received this warning on such a glorious feast of hers.
You can see that I am not keeping this a secret. No, we must shine the light on evil. We will know in due course if this just a a threat to play "games" with me to have me live in fear. We will know in due course whether the putative assassin is sincere in having taken pity on me. We will know in due course whether my making this public has "pushed" him to do what he says that he has been paid to do, namely, "terminate" me.
I forgive the writer if this is just a threat, and I forgive him if he becomes my murderer, forgiving also those who hired him. I forgive one and all from the bottom of my heart. We must forgive all others as we are forgiven in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance. Nothing we suffer in this life is the equal of what one of our least Venial Sins caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour to suffer in His Sacred Humanity during His Passion and Death and caused Our Lady to suffer as those Seven Swords of Sorrow were pierced through and through her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
If I am killed as a result of this threat, the levers of civil justice will either determine the identities of the culprits or not. The culprits have, however, done me a great favor by giving me time to prepare for that terrible moment of God's Particular Judgment on my immortal soul, which I have stained so much and so frequently by so many sins. Thank you, dear Lord. Thank you, dear Blessed Mother.
After asking Sharon to return home as she was finishing a visit with a friend in a nursing home yesterday, I apprised her of the situation. Her immediate reaction was "Viva Cristo Rey!" That is, we must not fear those who can kill the body but cannot harm the soul. We must trust in Christ the King and in Mary our Immaculate Queen no matter what.
Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ told us that we must not fear those who desire to kill us:
[26] Therefore fear them not. For nothing is covered that shall not be revealed: nor hid, that shall not be known. [27] That which I tell you in the dark, speak ye in the light: and that which you hear in the ear, preach ye upon the housetops. [28] And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the
soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell. [29] Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and not one of them shall fall on the ground without your Father. [30] But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. (Matthew 10: 26-30.)
Yes, the very hairs of our head are numbered. God has known from all eternity the exact moment that we would come into existence and the moment of our deaths. We must trust in Him as we cling to His Most Blessed Mother's protection, which is meant most of all to keep us safe from eternal death and, if it is God's Holy Will, to keep us physically safe. All as God sees fit to ordain. Fiat voluntas tua.
In the event that this threat is real, which it could very well be, I have expressed my profound gratitude to my dear, long-suffering wife, Sharon, for all that she has done for me. Sharon's pure love for God and her deep, filial devotion to His Most Blessed Mother have been nothing than other inspirational to me. She is the most remarkable woman I have ever met, and I am truly in tears when considering her desire to serve God more perfectly with every beat of her heart, consecrated as it is to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. She has been spiritual bedrock of the family that I have been blessed to have for the past ten years.
Sharon has made many spiritual sacrifices over the years for my soul and for that of our dear daughter, Lucy Mary Therese Norma. She has made many sacrifices over the years to effect the conversion of her own family members to the true Faith and/or to the acceptance of the true state of the Church Militant in this time of apostasy and betrayal. She has spent much time corresponding with family members and with the benefactors of this site to help them get home to Heaven. Her letters are a treasure trove of Catholic wisdom and are therefore much, more important than anything that I have written. Although there is no marriage in Heaven, it is my hope that God will have mercy on my soul at the moment of my death, even though I do not deserve such mercy, and that I can be reunited with my dear wife and our daughter, who is so full of joy and laughter and good humor and an innocence of spirit, for all eternity in the glory of the Beatific Vision of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost in the company of the Most Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph and Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael the Archangels and my own Guardian Angel, for whom I have been such a problem charge for nearly sixty years, and my own Patron Saints and all of the angels and saints in Heaven. I desire nothing other than that.
As I have noted repeatedly on my site, the intentions of all hearts and the circumstances of all lives are revealed perfectly to others only on the Last Day at the General Judgment of the Living and the Dead just as we will have seen ourselves and our thoughts, words and deeds. It matters not what any human being says about us or our work during life or what they say or think about us after death. The only judgment that matters is that of God alone. Nothing else.
That having been noted, of course, I do want to express my profound sorrow for anything that I have said, done or written that has been erroneous, uncharitable, untrue or unfounded. I have come later in life to a realization of the true state of the Church Militant in this time of apostasy and betrayal, and I have tried to make amends for my previous errors. And while I have had to write about difficult subjects involving injustices to others and offenses to Catholic truth that earned me the enmity of many, many people, I have done so without any personal animus for anyone, including Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, and anyone and everyone else in the conciliar church, praying always for those whose actions and/or positions I have criticized. Those who not believe this will find out the truth in eternity.
Sure, there is fear of meeting the moment of my Particular Judgment. Great fear as I know that God is just. I also have confidence in His ineffable mercy and, of course, in the loving, maternal intercession and protection of His Most Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph, the Patron of the Dying and the Terror of Demons. I have made a complete General Confession of my sins and must place myself entirely upon the tender mercies of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Queen of Mercy, whom I implore to pray for me now, right now, and at the hour of my death, whenever that is to come, whether now or at some time in the future.
We are in need of your own prayers now. I will need prayers and Masses offered for my immortal soul if the man hired to "terminate" me decides to proceed with his deed. I ask you to pray for my wife and daughter and to remember us your daily Rosaries now and after my death, whenever that should occur.
I do want to convey that I remain very grateful to all those who have been in our friends and supporters in the past but from whom circumstances of one sort or another we are estranged. I try to remember all of our one-time friends and supporters every day in my prayers, praying also for a good reconciliation in eternity. We, of course, are grateful for those who continue to be our friends and to support the work of this site. And we pray for those who are filled such hatred that they believe that they must issue a threat, whether just as a threat or as a warning of imminent execution, against my very life.
Saint Therese of Lisieux was quoted as following in "Counsels and Remembrances," as found in the bulletin of Saint Albert the Great Roman Catholic Church in Fairfield, Ohio, on Sunday, October 9, 2011:
“See for yourself: if the greatest sinner on earth, at the hour of death repents of his transgressions and expires in an act of love, immediately, without calculating on the one hand the numerous graces abused by this unhappy man, nor on the other, all his crimes, Jesus sees nothing, counts nothing, but the penitent’s last prayer, and delays not to receive him into the arms of His Mercy.
“But to render Him thus blind, to hinder Him from doing the least little bit of reckoning, we must know how to lay siege to His Heart; at that point He is defenseless…”
The tender mercies of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the loving protection of the Mother of God are all that protect a sinner such as me from dying in a state of final impenitence. I beg for such mercy and protection at this time now and for as long as it is within God's Holy Providence for me to alive, accepting whatever type of death He sends me with joy and gratitude for having been a member of His Holy Catholic Church. If is not my time to die now, of course, I will continue to write articles and work on my book for the honor and glory as His consecrated slave through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
To be continued?
Although I have made many mistakes in my life, I remain unbent in my devotion to the promotion of the Social Reign of Christ the King and unswerving in my opposition to the errors and apostasies and blasphemies of conciliarism that have opposed and belittled Our Lord's Social Kingship over men and their nations. Catholicism is the one and only foundation of personal and social order, and I will go to my grave, whether now or later, without any apology at all for opposing the errors of Modernity in the world and Modernism in the conciliar church that have sought convince men that something short of Catholicism "will do" for the salvation of men and the right ordering of their nations.
Begging Our Lady to give me the grace of Final Perseverance, I ask again for your prayers and ask you to remember to the Our Lady's Immaculate Heart will triumph in the end once her Fatima Message is fulfilled. In the meantime, continue to pray your Rosaries and to have the confidence of the Little Flower that the glories of Heaven await the souls of those who are truly sorry for their sins.
Sincerely yours in Christ the King and Mary our Immaculate Queen,
Thomas A. Droleskey
Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, Patron of the Dying, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon.